[Windows] Cannot login: ERROR pydio.rest.frontend Policies blocked POST request at /a/frontend/session - (fixed in 4.3.3)

For first post, please answer the questions below!

Describe your issue in detail

when logging in i get unauthorized and

 ERROR   pydio.rest.frontend     Policies blocked POST request at /a/frontend/session. Response: DefaultDeny:true

What version of Cells are you using?


What is the server OS? Database name/version? Browser name or mobile device description (if issue appears client-side)?

8.0.35 MySQL Community Server - GPL

What steps have you taken to resolve this issue already?

reinstalling multiple times
dropping the db multiple times
different passwords for the admin user during setup

Hello @user4302

Happy new year 2024

I’ve tested on a windows 11 & mysql 8.0.35. It ended up with success. There is no problem with logging in.

Do you have any error log during the installation?

Note: the installation takes more time than it does in linux.

Hi, happy new year to you too,

I’m using windows 10 (if that’s relevant)

I did not get any issues during installation. Everything was fine. I can attach the console statements today to show what the installatín was like.

Also I was able to login once, but the situation was kind of odd for that,

I had the cells.exe file in my D: drive.
And I ran it there to configure.

And I was unable to start cells cos the certs and config was all missing.

A few days later I realized that there was a Users folder in my D: drive. And inside it right at the bottom level the cert and configs in an app data folder.

So I copied the user folder from D: to C: and then started cells successfully and I did login on my android app. But there was “no workspace” or something.

So I moved cells.exe to C: and ran the configuration again. (COS when I run it in C: the certs and configs are created in the correct location)

Was unable to login since then.


By default, the data is store in app data folder.
You can use CELLS_WORKING_DIR env to define the working folder.

It’d better if you clean (app data, db) or using CELLS_WORKING_DIR pointing to a clean folder before running the installation.

Yeah but it was stores in the appdata folder of the current partition in my case, even when the partition was not C:.

But that’s sorted now. I did delete the appdata/roaming/audio folder and also the “cells” schema from the db.

But I still get the unauthorized error when logging in. And the other error in the terminal
ERROR pydio.rest.frontend Policies blocked POST request at /a/frontend/session. Response: DefaultDeny:true

hi, where do i set CELLS_WORKING_DIR ?

cells.exe configure

D:\pydio-cells-4.3.2-windows-amd64>cells.exe configure

Welcome to Pydio Cells Home Edition installation
Pydio Cells Home Edition (v4.3.2) will be configured to run on this machine.
Make sure to prepare access and credentials to a MySQL 5.6+ (or MariaDB equivalent) server.
Pick your installation mode when you are ready.

v Command line (performed in this terminal)

## Database Connection
Database Hostname: localhost
Database Port: 3306
Database Name: cells
Database User: root
Database Password (leave empty if not needed): ****
v Successfully connected to the database
? Do you wish to configure a MongoDB connection (better for scalability and required for clustering deployment? Do you wish to configure a MongoDB connection (better for scalability and required for clustering deployment? Do you wish to configure a MongoDB connection (better for scalability and required for clustering deploymentx Do you wish to configure a MongoDB connection (better for scalability and required for clustering deployment):
... Starting installation now
... Created main database

## Administrative User Configuration
Admin Login: admin
Confirm Password: ****
v Confirm Password: ****█
## Default storage location
Use the arrow keys to navigate: ↓ ↑ → ←
v Select another local folder
Enter path to a local folder: E:\Pydio

## Applying configuration
... Starting installation now
... Generating secrets
... Created main database
... Created default datasources
Adding admin credentials to config, to be inserted at next start
... Creation of logs directory
v Configuration done

## Software is ready to run!
Cells will be accessible through the following URLs:, https://x.x.x.x:8080,,,, https://kubernetes.docker.internal:8080
Edit these URLs by running 'cells.exe configure sites' command.

Now use 'cells.exe start' to start the server.

v Installation Finished

cells.exe start

D:\pydio-cells-4.3.2-windows-amd64>cells.exe start
  Package:      Pydio Cells Home Edition
  Version:      4.3.2
  BuildTime:    11 Dec 23 09:37 +0000
  Git Commit:   1819fda9de1187094531c0926d877e692f7944a6
  Go Version:   go1.21.5
  OS/arch:      windows/amd64

  Registry:     mem:///registry
  Broker:       mem:///broker
  Config:       file://C:/Users/Admin/AppData/Roaming/Pydio/cells/pydio.json
  Vault:        file://C:/Users/Admin/AppData/Roaming/Pydio/cells/pydio-vault.json
  Keyring:      file://C:/Users/Admin/AppData/Roaming/Pydio/cells/cells-vault-key
  Certificates: file://C:/Users/Admin/AppData/Roaming/Pydio/cells/certs
  Cache:        bigcache:///cache
  ShortCache:   pm:///shortcache
  Queue:        mem:///queue
  Persisting Queue:     file:///queue

  Hostname:     HP-COMPAQ-6300

  Metrics:      false
  Profiles:     false

Build Settings:
  -buildmode:   exe
  -compiler:    gc
  -trimpath:    true
  DefaultGODEBUG:       panicnil=1
  GOARCH:       amd64
  GOOS: windows
  GOAMD64:      v1
  vcs:  git
  vcs.revision: 1819fda9de1187094531c0926d877e692f7944a6
  vcs.time:     2023-12-11T09:27:22Z
  vcs.modified: false

2024-01-02T22:29:27.976+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.broker       ready
2024-01-02T22:29:27.976+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.config       ready
2024-01-02T22:29:27.976+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.registry     ready
2024-01-02T22:29:28.071+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.log  ready
2024-01-02T22:29:28.074+0530    INFO    pydio.server.manager    Discovery services started, carry on to other services
2024-01-02T22:29:28.338+0530    INFO    pydio.gateway.grpc      Configuring self-signed configuration for gRPC gateway to allow full TLS chain.
2024-01-02T22:29:28.601+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.statics      ready
2024-01-02T22:29:28.615+0530    INFO    pydio.rest.log  starting        {"service": "pydio.rest.log", "hook router to": "/a/log"}
2024-01-02T22:29:28.735+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.data.objects.peer    ready
2024-01-02T22:29:28.797+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.update       ready
2024-01-02T22:29:28.798+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.data.sync    Starting umbrella service pydio.grpc.data.sync. with sources  {"sources": ["pydiods1", "personal", "cellsdata", "versions", "thumbnails"]}
2024-01-02T22:29:28.857+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.data.sync    ready
2024-01-02T22:29:28.858+0530    INFO    pydio.gateway.grpc      ready
2024-01-02T22:29:28.858+0530    INFO    pydio.rest.graph        starting        {"service": "pydio.rest.graph", "hook router to": "/a/graph"}
2024-01-02T22:29:28.927+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.data.objects Starting umbrella service pydio.grpc.data.objects. with sources       {"sources": ["local1"]}
2024-01-02T22:29:29.015+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.data.objects ready
2024-01-02T22:29:29.042+0530    INFO    pydio.rest.search       starting        {"service": "pydio.rest.search", "hook router to": "/a/search"}
2024-01-02T22:29:29.084+0530    INFO    pydio.generic.timer     ready
2024-01-02T22:29:29.154+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.tree ready
2024-01-02T22:29:29.159+0530    INFO    pydio.rest.activity     starting        {"service": "pydio.rest.activity", "hook router to": "/a/activity"}
2024-01-02T22:29:29.238+0530    INFO    pydio.rest.mailer       starting        {"service": "pydio.rest.mailer", "hook router to": "/a/mailer"}
2024-01-02T22:29:29.309+0530    INFO    pydio.rest.workspace    starting        {"service": "pydio.rest.workspace", "hook router to": "/a/workspace"}
2024-01-02T22:29:29.312+0530    INFO    pydio.rest.update       starting        {"service": "pydio.rest.update", "hook router to": "/a/update"}
2024-01-02T22:29:29.312+0530    INFO    pydio.rest.tree starting        {"service": "pydio.rest.tree", "hook router to": "/a/tree"}
2024-01-02T22:29:29.331+0530    INFO    pydio.gateway.wopi      ready
2024-01-02T22:29:29.332+0530    INFO    pydio.rest.acl  starting        {"service": "pydio.rest.acl", "hook router to": "/a/acl"}
2024-01-02T22:29:29.333+0530    INFO    pydio.rest.auth starting        {"service": "pydio.rest.auth", "hook router to": "/a/auth"}
2024-01-02T22:29:29.333+0530    INFO    pydio.rest.user-meta    starting        {"service": "pydio.rest.user-meta", "hook router to": "/a/user-meta"}
2024-01-02T22:29:29.348+0530    INFO    pydio.rest.share        starting        {"service": "pydio.rest.share", "hook router to": "/a/share"}
2024-01-02T22:29:29.427+0530    INFO    pydio.rest.jobs starting        {"service": "pydio.rest.jobs", "hook router to": "/a/jobs"}
2024-01-02T22:29:29.428+0530    INFO    pydio.rest.config       starting        {"service": "pydio.rest.config", "hook router to": "/a/config"}
2024-01-02T22:29:29.428+0530    INFO    pydio.web.libreoffice   Skipping LibreOffice plugin as not enabled
2024-01-02T22:29:29.485+0530    INFO    pydio.web.libreoffice   ready
2024-01-02T22:29:29.485+0530    INFO    pydio.rest.user starting        {"service": "pydio.rest.user", "hook router to": "/a/user"}
2024-01-02T22:29:29.486+0530    INFO    pydio.rest.policy       starting        {"service": "pydio.rest.policy", "hook router to": "/a/policy"}
2024-01-02T22:29:29.486+0530    INFO    pydio.rest.meta starting        {"service": "pydio.rest.meta", "hook router to": "/a/meta"}
2024-01-02T22:29:29.486+0530    INFO    pydio.rest.templates    starting        {"service": "pydio.rest.templates", "hook router to": "/a/templates"}
2024-01-02T22:29:29.486+0530    INFO    pydio.rest.role starting        {"service": "pydio.rest.role", "hook router to": "/a/role"}
2024-01-02T22:29:29.488+0530    INFO    pydio.web.statics       ready
2024-01-02T22:29:29.576+0530    INFO    pydio.gateway.dav       ready
2024-01-02T22:29:29.577+0530    INFO    pydio.gateway.data      ready
2024-01-02T22:29:30.128+0530    INFO    pydio.rest.log  ready
2024-01-02T22:29:30.129+0530    INFO    pydio.rest.search       ready
2024-01-02T22:29:30.130+0530    INFO    pydio.rest.mailer       ready
2024-01-02T22:29:30.130+0530    INFO    pydio.rest.workspace    ready
2024-01-02T22:29:30.130+0530    INFO    pydio.rest.update       ready
2024-01-02T22:29:30.131+0530    INFO    pydio.rest.tree ready
2024-01-02T22:29:30.131+0530    INFO    pydio.rest.acl  ready
2024-01-02T22:29:30.132+0530    INFO    pydio.rest.auth ready
2024-01-02T22:29:30.133+0530    INFO    pydio.rest.user-meta    ready
2024-01-02T22:29:30.137+0530    INFO    pydio.rest.graph        ready
2024-01-02T22:29:30.138+0530    INFO    pydio.rest.share        ready
2024-01-02T22:29:30.139+0530    INFO    pydio.rest.jobs ready
2024-01-02T22:29:30.140+0530    INFO    pydio.rest.config       ready
2024-01-02T22:29:30.140+0530    INFO    pydio.rest.user ready
2024-01-02T22:29:30.140+0530    INFO    pydio.rest.policy       ready
2024-01-02T22:29:30.141+0530    INFO    pydio.rest.meta ready
2024-01-02T22:29:30.141+0530    INFO    pydio.rest.templates    ready
2024-01-02T22:29:30.142+0530    INFO    pydio.rest.role ready
2024-01-02T22:29:30.160+0530    INFO    pydio.rest.activity     ready
2024-01-02T22:29:30.259+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Applying migrations for oauth if required
2024-01-02T22:29:30.279+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Checking if legacy migration table exists.   {"migration_table": "schema_migration"}
2024-01-02T22:29:31.671+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.docstore     ready
2024-01-02T22:29:31.762+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.mailer       Starting mailer with sender 'disabled'
2024-01-02T22:29:31.786+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.mailer       ready
2024-01-02T22:29:32.252+0530    INFO    pydio.rest.frontend     starting        {"service": "pydio.rest.frontend", "hook router to": "/a/frontend"}
2024-01-02T22:29:32.258+0530    INFO    pydio.rest.frontend     ready
2024-01-02T22:29:32.375+0530    INFO    pydio.web.oauth ready
2024-01-02T22:29:32.480+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.chat ready
2024-01-02T22:29:32.605+0530    WARN    pydio.server.caddy      admin - admin endpoint disabled
2024-01-02T22:29:32.647+0530    INFO    pydio.server.caddy      tls.cache.maintenance - started background certificate maintenance{"cache": "0xc0018bbd80"}
2024-01-02T22:29:32.672+0530    WARN    pydio.server.caddy      tls - stapling OCSP{"error": "no OCSP stapling for [kubernetes.docker.internal x.x.x.x]: no OCSP server specified in certificate"}
2024-01-02T22:29:32.704+0530    WARN    pydio.server.caddy      http.auto_https - automatic HTTP->HTTPS redirects are disabled{"server_name": "srv0"}
2024-01-02T22:29:32.723+0530    INFO    pydio.server.caddy      tls - cleaning storage unit{"description": "FileStorage:C:\\Users\\Admin\\AppData\\Roaming\\Pydio\\cells\\caddy"}
2024-01-02T22:29:32.723+0530    INFO    pydio.server.caddy      http - enabling HTTP/3 listener{"addr": ":8080"}
2024-01-02T22:29:32.724+0530    INFO    pydio.server.caddy      tls - finished cleaning storage units
2024-01-02T22:29:32.817+0530    INFO    pydio.server.caddy      http.log - server running{"name": "srv0", "protocols": ["h1", "h2", "h3"]}
2024-01-02T22:29:32.878+0530    INFO    pydio.server.caddy      autosaved config (load with --resume flag) - {"file": "C:\\Users\\Admin\\AppData\\Roaming\\Pydio\\cells\\caddy\\autosave.json"}
2024-01-02T22:29:32.936+0530    INFO    pydio.rest.workspace    Creating a Personal workspace
2024-01-02T22:29:33.222+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.versions     ready
2024-01-02T22:29:34.738+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.activity     ready
2024-01-02T22:29:55.300+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.workspace    ready
2024-01-02T22:30:36.283+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Transactional migration table created successfully.   {"migration_table": "schema_migration"}
2024-01-02T22:30:36.317+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.        {"version": "20190100000001000000"}
2024-01-02T22:30:50.247+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.        {"version": "20190100000002000000"}
2024-01-02T22:31:00.533+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.acl  ready
2024-01-02T22:31:04.097+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.meta ready
2024-01-02T22:31:13.589+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.        {"version": "20190100000003000000"}
2024-01-02T22:31:28.425+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.role ready
2024-01-02T22:31:50.167+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.token        ready
2024-01-02T22:32:50.079+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.user-meta    ready
2024-01-02T22:33:23.067+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.        {"version": "20190100000004000000"}
2024-01-02T22:33:24.313+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.user-key     ready
2024-01-02T22:34:16.542+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauthkey     Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20190100000005000000"}

2024-01-02T22:34:20.485+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20190100000006000000"}
2024-01-02T22:34:28.980+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20190100000007000000"}
2024-01-02T22:34:37.428+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20190100000008000000"}
2024-01-02T22:34:49.785+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20190100000009000000"}
2024-01-02T22:35:03.494+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.policy       ready
2024-01-02T22:35:17.802+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20190100000010000000"}
2024-01-02T22:35:20.225+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20190100000011000000"}
2024-01-02T22:35:30.976+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20190100000012000000"}
2024-01-02T22:35:37.710+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20190100000013000000"}
2024-01-02T22:35:52.048+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.user ready
2024-01-02T22:35:59.824+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20190100000014000000"}
2024-01-02T22:36:03.528+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20190200000001000000"}
2024-01-02T22:36:04.999+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20190200000002000000"}
2024-01-02T22:36:05.900+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20190200000003000000"}
2024-01-02T22:36:06.150+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20190200000004000000"}
2024-01-02T22:36:14.449+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20190300000001000000"}
2024-01-02T22:36:28.924+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20190300000002000000"}
2024-01-02T22:36:40.124+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20190300000003000000"}
2024-01-02T22:36:47.493+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20190300000004000000"}
2024-01-02T22:37:02.015+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20190300000005000000"}
2024-01-02T22:37:12.040+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20190300000006000000"}
2024-01-02T22:37:17.072+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20190300000007000000"}
2024-01-02T22:37:55.581+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20190300000008000000"}
2024-01-02T22:38:08.936+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20190300000009000000"}
2024-01-02T22:38:10.889+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20190300000010000000"}
2024-01-02T22:38:17.338+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20190300000011000000"}
2024-01-02T22:38:18.489+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20190300000012000000"}
2024-01-02T22:38:22.014+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20190300000013000000"}
2024-01-02T22:38:30.061+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20190300000014000000"}
2024-01-02T22:38:31.220+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20190400000001000000"}
2024-01-02T22:38:36.096+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20190400000002000000"}
2024-01-02T22:38:42.662+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20190400000003000000"}
2024-01-02T22:38:44.937+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20190400000004000000"}
2024-01-02T22:38:52.995+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20190400000005000000"}
2024-01-02T22:38:55.804+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20190400000006000000"}
2024-01-02T22:38:58.111+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20190400000007000000"}
2024-01-02T22:39:47.819+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20190400000008000000"}
2024-01-02T22:39:54.776+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20190400000009000000"}
2024-01-02T22:42:14.382+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20190400000010000000"}
2024-01-02T22:42:41.107+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20190400000011000000"}
2024-01-02T22:42:46.872+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20200521071434000000"}
2024-01-02T22:42:49.248+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20200527215731000000"}
2024-01-02T22:42:52.532+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20200527215732000000"}
2024-01-02T22:42:53.165+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20200819163013000000"}
2024-01-02T22:42:58.523+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20200913192340000000"}
2024-01-02T22:42:58.751+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20201110104000000000"}
2024-01-02T22:43:10.365+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20201116133000000000"}
2024-01-02T22:43:19.240+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20210928155900000000"}
2024-01-02T22:43:38.281+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20210928175900000000"}
2024-01-02T22:44:36.230+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20211226155900000000"}
2024-01-02T22:44:46.062+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20211226156000000000"}
2024-01-02T22:44:52.487+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Migration has not yet been applied, running migration.  {"version": "20220328111500000000"}
2024-01-02T22:44:57.824+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Finished in     {"elapsed ": "15m27.5651431s"}
2024-01-02T22:44:58.002+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        JSON Web Key Set "hydra.openid.id-token" does not exist yet, generating new key pair... This can take some time
2024-01-02T22:45:07.503+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        Finished auth.InitRegistry
2024-01-02T22:45:07.503+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.oauth        ready
2024-01-02T22:45:07.510+0530    INFO    pydio.grpc.mailer       Registering default job for consuming mailer queue
2024-01-02T22:45:10.266+0530    INFO    pydio.rest.workspace    Settings ACLS for workspace
2024-01-02T22:45:15.618+0530    INFO    pydio.rest.workspace    Creating a Common Files workspace on pydiods1
2024-01-02T22:45:16.853+0530    INFO    pydio.rest.workspace    Settings ACLS for workspace


Please find this link for setting env in windows

When you set local folder: E:\Pydio, you must set CELLS_WORKING_DIR=E:\Pydio in CLI for the next .\cells.exe start command

From the starting log, it looks good.

so you mean, if i did NOT set E:/Pydio as the path to a local folder then i dont need to run

i tried this scenario and i get the same result

if i try the flow that you mentioned;

  1. cells.exe configure
  2. Enter path to a local folder: E:\Pydio
  3. set CELLS_WORKING_DIR=E:\Pydio
  4. cells.exe start

i get this output

and if i select yes in the last prompt then i go through the configuration again and then go back to step 1 again…


After the installation, do you see somethings in E:\Pydio folder?

hi, yeah,

i did see folders before as well, but i see folders now as well, maybe few more folders

Just start over with a clean folder.

“we cannot find a confguration file … E:\Pydio\pydio.json”
It may be the problem of permission where the installer don’t have permission to write down this file to CELLS_WORKING_DIR. Please manually check this file after the installation.

Please manually clean this directory before running install command: C:/Users/Admin/AppData/Roaming/Pydio/

if i install everything with default settings
(install the data folder in C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\Pydio\cells not in a custom folder like E:\Pydio)
(i did not enter any custom inputs, i only entered the password as “pass” for the db and admin user)

i get the files like this

i can run cells.exe start successfully

but i still cannot login, i still have the same issue that i had initially, so the custom location is not the issue right?

Unauthorized on the frontend
ERROR pydio.rest.frontend Policies blocked POST request at /a/frontend/session. Response: DefaultDeny:true on the terminal

btw im using
on a client pc to try and login
this file server is only for local network use
the local ip on the server pc is

this is the console output for the login

if i enter a wrong password i get the same error,


is it ok if i paste all the contents of the above file here?


Try to install again with clean C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\Pydio\cells\

When you first start Pydio Cells, it begins the process of inserting initial data into the database. This operation can sometimes take longer than it does in linux system.

=> At the first start, please wait for few minutes before logging in
=> Try with another admin password

i did try a clean install, i deleted the folder: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\Pydio

and i ddi wait a long time, i tried logging in after all the migrations ended, i even tried waiting over night and checking the next day.

what are the other admin passwords?..
i though the only password is the one that i set during the configuration

i just keep getting the same error

I mean using a different string for the password of admin!

ohhh, i did try “password” before, and it was the same result,
ill try a diferent one

still doesnt work