Category | Topics |
Pydio CellsIssues encountered when installing or running Pydio Cells
DevelopmentAll topics regarding Pydio development
Pydio 8Post in this category any issues regarding your Pydio Server installation. Please make sure to add the following tags to your message for an easier indexation of problems and solutions.
Sync ClientPost issues with PydioSync in this category. Make sure to provide the following information:
Roadmap / RequestsUse this category to post your own features requests. Please make sure to first search the forum to avoid duplicates. Always use well-defined scenariis to explain the feature you would like and how you like to see it implemented in a user perspective.
Roadmap can be discussed here. |
Site FeedbackDiscussion about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it.
Mobile ApplicationsUse this category to get help on the mobile applications usage. Make sure to tag your messages with at least the following information
Docs IssuesPost in this category any issue you can find in our online-documentation, and eventually your own contributions: if you posted some tuto’s or how-to on your own site, we are glad to share it with the community!
NewsThis category will be used to post news and announcements from the Pydio Team. You are not allowed to post in it.