Unknown Parsing Error! only in one folder


On a Pydio Version 6.0.5 who is running without problems since 3 years, we suddenly have this error :
Unknown Parsing Error!

This error occur only on a specific folder, and not in others folders at the same level, none on sub-folders inside it, the browser console show something like this :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><tree [... ... ...] mimestring="Dossier"/><tree is_file="true" text="SUIVI-PROJET_DT_v1.xlsx" filename="/Aménagement numérique 77/SUIVI-PROJET_DT_v1.xlsx" mimestring_id="64" icon="spreadsheet.png" file_group="1" file_owner="1" ajxp_readonly="true" file_perms="0644" ajxp_modiftime="1510222042" ajxp_relativetime="Modifié le

The XML seems not closed properly. We try to empty the plugins cache, restart apache, looking for specials chars but can’t find a solution…

Does anyone have an idea to solve this problem?

Thank You

did you see the apache error log and if yes did you see php fatal errors ?

Thanks for your answer Zayn.
No errors in apache log, is there something to activate in Pydio config file to activate error log ?

you can switch your server to debug mode by doing that :
go to conf/bootstrap_context.php
Switch this line to true: define(“AJXP_SERVER_DEBUG” , true);
and then you will have a error log for Pydio.

I activated AJXP_SERVER_DEBUG but there is no error in apache log.

I try to create a new folder called “test”, now when I access to “/Aménagement numérique 77” I have again the “Unknown Parsing Error!” : number 1 in joined image
But after few second only the “test” folder appear : number 2 in joined image
However there is a lot of others folders in “/Aménagement numérique 77” : number 3 in joined image