Downloading multiple files


I’m using pydo 8.2.1 on XAMPP until now without any trouble. I have only one issue that I can’t solve:

Dowloading a single file is possible without any problem but as soon as I mark more than one file or a folder, nothing happens.
Analysing the server response, I can see the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><tree ><message type="ERROR">Malformed URL: C://user@/xampp/content/pydio/data/xxx/yyy/zzz/</message></tree>

Obviously, the Link is created with a user at the beginning which makes obsolutely no sense. Is there a possibility to correct that? What did I configure wrongly?

Any help is appreciated…

Hi all!
I’m having the same issue after upgrading from 7.0.3 to 8.2.1. The problem is trying to download a folder or more than 1 file. On 7.0.3 was working fine.

I’m running Pydio on WS2012 + IIS8 + PHP 7.0.13

The message in the Pydio log is:

08-20-18 09:03:53 INFO 9417e522bbd5 access.fs Download files=ejemplo-de-comparticion-en-modo-repositorio/Ejemplo de archivo 1.txt,ejemplo-de-comparticion-en-modo-repositorio/Ejemplo de archivo 2.txt,ejemplo-de-comparticion-en-modo-repositorio/Sample.mp4,ejemplo-de-comparticion-en-modo-repositorio/Sample.txt
08-20-18 09:03:53 ERROR 9417e522bbd5 UrlUtils.php error l.55 message=Malformed URL: E://9417e522bbd5@/DatosUsuarios/userid/Ejemplo de comparticion en modo repositorio/Ejemplo de archivo 1.txt


could you give me all the specifics such as the versions, OS and so on.
i will try to reproduce the issue.

as I said in my previous post, I have Win 2012 + IIS8 + PHP7.0.13 + Pydio 8.2.1

Do you need to know something special?

@charles, can you help us? Do you need something?

Thanks in advanced

thanks for the info,
and as for @interconn do you have any info to add to SGO’s ?

As I can understand by his/her post, the server has Windows XAMPP (no idea of versions) and the same Pydio release as me. Perhaps this issue only is present on Windows…

Please see my comment here if you need a quick fix:

I’m working on this issue


Fixed on