[SOLVED] Shared link : blank page

Hey there,

I’m running Pydio 8.2.3 on an online server ( mutualised debian server ).

I’m having trouble with sharing my content in public.
I’m having a blank page like this one : ***

I searched a while but I don’t get it, here is what I did :

  • permissions 777 for folder /data/public/
  • RewriteRules correctly working

I guess it’s a problem of access, but I don’t get it because folder right is set to 777.

Thanks !

What’s config in Settings >> Main option page?
And please post your .htaccess as well

Hey there !

Thanks a lot for your help again.

Hey all,

Need this fonctionnality… so up the subject :confused:

Try to rename /data/public to /data/public.bk

If it does not work, please try to set “URL de télécharement” : https://cloud.lemaire.email/public

Do you have specific config for /public in apache conf ?

Hey c12simple,

Thanks again for your help.
This doesn’t work, still a blank page.

In the folder : /data/public is there supposed to be files ?
Because there is nothing expect index.html

I didn’t set a specific configuration for apache ( and don’t know how to do ), can you explain me how I can check if there is something configured by default ?



It was a folder of old version Pydio (5, 6) and no longer necessary in latest version. The uri /public is routed in code PHP. There is possibility of configuration where /public is point to a physical path (such as /data/public) and it will override the route in PHP. So the request /public instead of going to php file, it is routed to “public” folder.

In apache configuration,

AllowOverride Limit FileInfo

is required

(404 when trying to access pydio without "/pydio" in url · Issue #1328 · pydio/pydio-core · GitHub)

Okay, after some search it appear that I’m on nginx. I didn’t know :confused:
That’s why .htaccess doesn’t work.

I can’t switch to apache…
Can you tell me the configuration I have to put in nginx ?



Try this config https://github.com/pydio/pydio-core/blob/develop/core/src/nginx.conf.sample

Hey !

Good news !
The problem was with my hosting : the nginx conf file was not defined by default.
I contacted them and they changed that : all is working perfectly now.

Thanks c12simple for all your help !