Pydio does not send sharing invitation emails

For first post, please answer the questions below!

Describe your issue in detail

Pydio does not send sharing invitation emails.
Steps to reproduce: select file, click Share / Public link / Send invitation (email icon)

What version of Cells are you using?

Cells Home v4.2.2

What is the server OS? Database name/version? Browser name or mobile device description (if issue appears client-side)?

Server: AlmaLinux 8.7, MariaDB 10.3
Client: Windows 11, Firefox 114

What steps have you taken to resolve this issue already?

I have confirmed that the error is not in the mail server (Sendgrid).
I can send, for example, password recovery emails.

did you make sure that the user you send invitation to does have an “email” defined?

Entering an email address or choosing an user with email profile field set: in neither case is the email sent.

Apparently the email queue is not processed.
I mean, email messages are added to queue, but Pydio doesn’t start sending the emails.

2023-06-13T08:38:21.513-0300 DEBUG pydio.grpc.mailer SendMail: pushing email to queue {“to”: [{“Uuid”:““,“Address”:"”,“Name”:“mylogin”,“Language”:“pt-br”}], “from”: {“Uuid”:"”,“Address”:“”,“Name”:“administrador”}, “subject”: “administrador está compartilhando uma pasta com você”, “SpanRootUuid”: “", “SpanParentUuid”: "”, “SpanUuid”: “****”}

I have fixed it.
Step 1: move pydio.grpc.mailer service from boltdb to mongodb
Step 2: add the missing task flush-mailer-queue to the jobs_jobs collection

insteresting - there is no reason why the flush-mailer-queue was not there, maybe you have accidentally removed it?
In 4.2.3 we add a “cells admin clean reset-jobs” command allowing to re-insert such a default job to their “factory” settings.

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