This page refers to the legacy Pydio 8 server that is now deprecated: it is not relevant anymore.
With the Home distribution, you cannot customize the Cells Flows so your options are quite limited here.
Can you please precise what behavior you expect, so that we might suggest a strategy / workaround to achieve this if this is possible with the Home version ?
I would like to know how to customize the timing of the “flush-mails-queue” since when I send an invitation when sharing a document, it is not sent instantly but waits 5 minutes, which is what is now programmed in the system’s flow scheduler
You cannot do that with the Home version of the software.
BTW, we also strongly discourage our customers to use a smaller duration in the Enterprise version, as it can impact the performances if you have a lot of users.
If you really need to punctually send the email directly, you have no other solution than:
connect to the admin console
go to scheduler page > choose corresponding flow > click on the “Run” button.
But we think that flushing the queue / sending the emails every 5 minutes is OK.