I got a problem when I want to share a folder/file when im on a mobile browser. When the menu opens the save and cancel boxes are visible. But when I customize the link or want to add a password (basically when the keybord pops up, enter text, keybord closes), the fields for save and cancel are not visible anymore. Also when the menu pops up the first time the options for the sharing aren’t selectable. To reproduce share a public link on mobile (tried with several browsers ond Galaxy S9, latest update). Also can’t do it in the app because it doesn’t have this feature (share public links). Is it a general bug or is it just for me?
Thank you very much in advance.
I’m on version home 2.1.4 in a docker container
Hello and welcome, @aouuwoe
Thank you for the feedback, I tested on an Iphone X and indeed I had to scroll to be able to see the save button, it does not seem to be a bug but it is something that we could enhance.
I will open a ticket in the internal tracker and see if the devs could simplify this view.
Hi zayn,
Thank you very much for your response.
For me the problem is a bit different, I can’t scroll at all after customizing the link. Basically I’m stuck at the 2nd or 4th screenshot, not beeing able to click anything. If I try to “scroll down”, it’s not scrollable, the chrome reload icon pops up (scroll down to reload feature on chrome?).
Hope I explained it to be understandable, if you need any further details you can get back to me.
Thank you very much.
Is there any news on this? Still encountering the same issue, I cant scroll on the mobile view to save the changes I made. Now on version 3.0.
Thank you.