i don’t have the Pemission denied message now. But, nothing always display.
could you look at your Pydio’s log you can either look at the database and look for the ajxp_log table or you can set it so that it’s stored in a file, if you want to store it in a file you will have to go here :
I have the same issue, but in my case the tmp file (/mnt/shared/tmp/failedAJXP.log) can’t be deleted. I think that the reason is because the PHP server is running in a shared hosting and the tmp file is owned by other user. I can read, but not delete, write even list directory, so the reason for the error ‘Permision denied’. Can I set another tmp dir for this file?
failedAJXP.log should not be in /usr/share/pydio
It should be in /tmp or /var/lib/pydio or other location where www-data has rw permission
www-data currently has no “w” permission on this file