Access from more domains


it is possible to access to pydio from more domains? In version 6 it was possible … from more domains by symlinks …
But now in version 8 … can access only from main domain, but in another domain (by symlink) i got Oops, cannot find this page!


hi, can you be more explicit when you say “by symlink” ? There might be issue with the router, do your two accesses have the same path ? e.g. and ?

before I have 2 access point … like domain1. com/pydio and pydio.domain2 .com (where was standalone login) … in domain1 .com was Information system and I use CMS remote login (plugin) … so when I login to IS also login to pydio which was on domain1 .com/pydio …
My point of view is on remote login…