Structured Data Import

For first post, please answer the questions below!

Describe your issue in detail

I am using Pydio Cell v4 Home on Linux. My goal is to test out the ability to use a common file system that houses various forms of data (i.e. pdf, txt, csv, xlsx, etc…) to be imported into a document management system. I have added a Structured Storage that points to a local filesystem but am not seeing anything imported. I have also attempted both a sync via the web interface and command line with it not bringing anything in.

Is there a procedure that outlines adding a structured FS with data present and successfully importing the files into Cells?

What version of Cells are you using?

Pydio Cell v4.2.5 Home Linux ARM64

What is the server OS? Database name/version? Browser name or mobile device description (if issue appears client-side)?

OS = RHEL9 ARM64 (SeLinux is disabled)
DB = MariaDB 10.5.16

What steps have you taken to resolve this issue already?

I have attempted:

  1. Resynchronization via the “Cells Console”.
  2. ./cells admin datasource resync -d smb

Could you give details about the path on your FS where your data really is? and also is it a mount or using symbolic links ?

Has the user that runs the server correct permission to read and write at this path ?

Do you see any error in the logs when you launch the re-sync ?

The path is a mount point from an SMB share hosted on a Ubuntu server shared out to a RHEL server. Here is how it is mounted in the /etc/fstab:

grep cifs /etc/fstab

// /mnt/test cifs credentials=/root/.smbcreds 0 0

Here is the tree of a simple setup of files I dropped in to test out what we could do:

tree /mnt/test

└── pydio
├── blah.txt
└── JAC
├── KAMA_new_space.pdf
└── Plot_Twist_Teacher_Guide.pdf

2 directories, 3 files

Here is what we see when we attempt a resync from command line:

/root/RPMs/Pydio/cells admin datasource resync -d smb

Resync Triggered.
Result: {“Source”:“s3://”,“Target”:“index://smb”,“Type”:“TreePatch”}
:warning: If result contains newly created files, you should now launch ‘/root/RPMs/Pydio/cells admin datasource rehash’ command.

However, we see none of the files or directories being added to the environment.

Thank you for your time.

Is there anyone who can point me to a procedure or document for the proper procedure?

Should I just give up on this product and look for a different solution?

Hello @jcouncil

You have cross device problem

You may either

  1. Create a datasource in /mnt/test/subfolder
    For more information please visit: [SOLVED] Samba Workspace


  1. use environmental variable CELLS_MINIO_ALLOW_CROSSMOUNT=true
    Mount smb/cifs as datasource does not work in v4.2.2 - #15 by nodejs
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