SSO / OAuth / OpenID plugin and/or conf

Hi community,

Thanks for the great product your proposed with cells.
I would like to know how to implement SSO in a home edition.
In the .json conf file there are many items with DEX/Oauth parts .
I would like to know if there is any way to delegate the authentication to a CAS server for example .
CAS protocol, SAML, Oauth/OpenID could be implemented.

Thanks for your feedback.


CAS, SAML, Oauth/openID will be implemented but they are not available now.

Thanks for the answer.
Any RoadMap for this?
Maybe using HTTP authentication could be a temporary way since such application have deep integrations with Apache.

Hi @c12simple,

is there any chance to open a little campaign or bounty and evaluate the cost of integrating whether CAS or OAuth ?
Who is the commercial contact for such requests

Our commercial team will contact you today or on next week for further information.

Hello @flotho
For Pydio Cells, we have decided to have a home edition, with “home” / personal / family use feature.
We are welcoming contributions that are mostly family use oriented .
You don’t need CAS, AD… in a home environment.
If you want AD, you can use Pydio 8.
If you need a quotation for Pydio Cells Enterprise, you can contact sales via our website.
Thanks for your understanding.

Hi @david,
Thanks for the precision,
Is there any community white paper explaining how to propose or submit such a module plugin. Will your company accept such a contribution?

Hello Florent,
As explained “We are welcoming contributions that are mostly family use oriented”.
But we don’t accept contribution for Enterprise only features (and auth features are enterprise features).
We have also one of our core developer working on such a module for Enterprise Distribution (CAS/SAML).
For Pydio Cells, we have to be strict on that.
We don’t have white paper for contribution, but we have CLA and developer guide Developer Guide | Pydio
Anyway, you made the right choice asking us first.

Hi @david,

Thanks for your answer.

Ok I understand the need for quality etc…
If I understand well, you won’t accept PR in cells enterprise version even if developping modules that could be in the scope of enterprise version is allowed.
So if we propose such a feature to the community, you won’t accept it neither in the home nor in the enterpise edition but won’t object.
Am I right?

yes we’ll not accept any advanced enterprise auth contributions in Home (as we want it to be a Home edition) and in Enterprise