Setup pydio with caddy and localhost ssl

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Hello friends I have installed Pydio Cells on Fedora 39, and everything worked for me after configuring cells. But since I want to run it locally on LAN network, I want to access it using domain name but in which it only exists on local Active Directory DNS.

I wanted to make localhost (domain) to be SSL and I used caddy for that. But I couldn’t achieve that. I SSL related error when I try to access Cells using the domain name I specified inside CaddyFile

What version of Cells are you using?


What is the server OS? Database name/version? Browser name or mobile device description (if issue appears client-side)?

  • I am using Fedora 39 KDE,
  • MariaDB

What steps have you taken to resolve this issue already?

I installed Caddy and added the following config to the default CaddyFile {
    reverse_proxy localhost:8080

If I understand your problem correctly and if you:

  • are in a trusted private LAN between the Caddy reverse proxy and Cells
  • use a self signed for Cells

you should skip SSL verification at the Caddy Level, e.g: {
    reverse_proxy localhost:8080  {
    transport http {

Note that in such case, it is recommended to explicitly declare your public DNS in Cells via cells configure sites

@bsinou any ideas? I have tried multiple ways but still no luck

Hello @bsinou
It is solved now, I added tls internal and it worked {
    reverse_proxy localhost:8080  {
    transport http {
      tls internal

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