Pydio Cells With caddy V2 in two different containers. Cannot find authority

Hi, I am using Pydio Cells on the linux server docker container with Caddy V2. Both container are hosted on the same machine but in two different docker.

I’m having issues with the web console and the sync client, so I think the problem is with the Caddy configuration.

When I go to the cells console via a web pas and click on any tabs, I get redirected to the login screen. The developper console logs WebSocket Closed Connection:The connection was closed abnormally, e.g., without sending or receiving a Close control frame (code 1006)

The second issue is when I try to connect the sync client and connect to the Cells server by creating a task. I enter for the server URL. I get redirected to CellSync webui with a popup with the message Application is disconnected from agent. Please wait while we are trying to reconnect...
Then a get redirected to this url https://--tls_cert_file/oidc/oauth2/auth?client_id=cells-sync&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A3637%2Fservers%2Fcallback&response_type=code&scope=openid%20email%20profile%20pydio%20offline&state=fd668e17778d48bdb1d43919de2238e9&code_challenge=hUvxxdBDr3Z8ONvGVnmXV4D7qJsTGIK2fq3_DC1UERE&code_challenge_method=S256&response_mode=query. Which is not valid since https://–tls_cert_file is not a valid URL.

What do I need to do to solve both of these issues? Accessing the server via it’s ip address works fine when the server ip is set.

Here is my configuration:

Server IP: not set since used behind a reverse proxy
External URL:
WebUI port: 8090
gRPC port: 33060 // It’s opened on my router’s firewall, I’m not sure if it’s necessary though

Here is my Caddy V2 configuration {
    reverse_proxy {
        transport http {

Here is the Cells-Sync logs:

2021-09-02T21:44:31.826-0400	e[34mINFOe[0m	e[32mhttp-servere[0m	Starting HttpServer on localhost:3636
2021-09-02T21:44:31.826-0400	e[34mINFOe[0m	e[36mprofilere[0m	Exposing debug profiles for process 2828 on port 6060

2021-09-02T21:44:31.826-0400	e[34mINFOe[0m	e[32mupdate.servicee[0m	Starting Updater Service
2021-09-02T21:44:31.826-0400	e[34mINFOe[0m	e[36msystraye[0m	Starting sub-process with args systray --url http://localhost:3636
2021-09-02T21:44:33.709-0400	e[34mINFOe[0m	e[36msystraye[0m	2021-09-02T21:44:33.709-0400	e[34mINFOe[0m	e[36msystraye[0m	Opened WS Connection
2021-09-02T21:44:34.830-0400	e[34mINFOe[0m	e[32mupdate.servicee[0m	Posting Request for update
2021-09-02T21:44:47.362-0400	e[34mINFOe[0m	e[32mhttp-servere[0m	Browsing fs:// on path /
2021-09-02T21:44:47.383-0400	e[34mINFOe[0m	e[32mhttp-servere[0m	adding volume C
2021-09-02T21:44:47.383-0400	e[34mINFOe[0m	e[32mhttp-servere[0m	adding volume D
2021-09-02T21:44:47.688-0400	e[34mINFOe[0m	e[32mhttp-servere[0m	Browsing fs://C:\ on path \
2021-09-02T21:44:47.719-0400	e[34mINFOe[0m	e[32mhttp-servere[0m	Browsing fs://C:\ on path /Users
2021-09-02T21:44:47.889-0400	e[34mINFOe[0m	e[32mhttp-servere[0m	Browsing fs://C:\ on path /Users/xav_g
2021-09-02T22:20:06.738-0400	e[31mERRORe[0m	e[32mhttp-servere[0m	Request error :cannot find authority
2021-09-02T22:20:09.875-0400	e[31mERRORe[0m	e[32mhttp-servere[0m	Request error :cannot find authority

I solved it, the external URL should be

External URL:

with the HTTPS prefixed

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