(new users can only put 2 links in a post, so I added some * in the links)
I’m using Docker to deploy Pydio Cells, and using Caddy as a reversed proxy.
According to the docs, I set environment variables CELLS_BIND=cells.example.*com:8080, CELLS_EXTERNAL=cells.example.*com and CELLS_NO_SSL=1
My Caddy config:
The installation is completed via Caddy reversed proxy.
But after the installation, it becomes impossible to access Cells web frontend, including from local and public Internet.
Caddy keeps showing 502 Bad Gateway. If access cells.example.com:8080 directly, it shows ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED (Chrome browser) or connection refused (Linux).
Here is logs about trying connect to Cells from server terminal.
catme0w@instance:~$ curl localhost:8080
curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 8080: Connection refused
catme0w@instance:~$ curl cells.example.*com:8080
curl: (7) Failed to connect to cells.example.com port 8080: Connection refused
catme0w@instance:~$ curl https:/*/cells.example.*com
502 Bad Gateway
you are testing a domain name i would assume?
If that’s the case i will take a look at the caddy configuration, otherwise if you try to access to your server directly without using the reverse proxy does it work ?
I’m using a real domain name.
It also doesn’t work everywhere, includes access from localhost or without a reverse proxy.
I tried using Nginx instead of Caddy, the problem is the same. Here is my Nginx config.
The installation progress can be done but unable to access after installation.
The real domain name is replaced by cells.example.com