I’m trying to use Caddy to reverse proxy Pydio Cells (separate from the one build into Cells). I have Cells set to localhost:8080 with SSL Disabled, so port 80 and 443 are free for Caddy to use.
This Pydio Cells document suggests what I’m trying to do is possible, but I haven’t gotten anywhere using the provided Caddyfile, as pydio.example.com returns with error 404. I’ve also tried but I end up with an endless loading screen.
I’ve been trying to figure this out for ages, if someone could help that’d be great!
Then set header_upstream Host to localhost in Caddyfile (If preferred, {>host} works instead of localhost). I’m pretty sure leaving transparent in continues to pass the other headers. End result should be:
in such a vanillasetup with a Cells instance behnd a Caddy reverse proxy on a single machine, we usually recommand to use
Internal URL: pydio.example.com:8080
ExternalURL: https://pydio.example.com
=> using a TLS connection locally between your reverse proxy and Cells has a cost and I don’t really see the point if your server is secured
=> having the normal transparent directive is required for the integration with other services like webdav to work smoothly