Hey there,
I’m running Pydio Cells on an vserver with ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Also I use on that server as reverse proxy nginx. Every works well. My problem is, when I activate a password authentification on the nginx, I can’t log into cells with the users. It results in the error: Unauthorized.
I made a password protection with:
auth_basic “Password Required”;
auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/.htpasswd;
in the ngnix config file.
In the log of the nginx server I found this:
- user [Date] “POST /a/frontend/session HTTP/1.1” 401 14 “https://server.ip/login” “Browser”
Any idea for a solution of this problem? Or do you need any logs? I know its a little bit silly to make two different password protections behind each other. But it’s good for me. With this I can easy implement a fail2ban protection.
Sorry for my bad english and thank you very much for your help!
By the way, it’s awsome I used ajaxplorer about 10 years ago and found it now under a new name. Great tool.