/oidc/.well-known/openid-configuration not found


I’m trying to set up the cells-sync client but I’m unable to add my server. When I attempt to add the server I get a “Not Found” response

404 NOT FOUND https://pydio.domain.tld/oidc/.well-known/openid-configuration

I’m running cells-sync 0.9.2, pydio-cells home edition 2.2.9
Pydio-cells is runnign in a docker container behind a caddy server.

My caddy config is as follows

    "handler": "reverse_proxy",
    "upstreams": [
            "dial": "pydio:8080"
    "transport": {
        "protocol": "http",
        "tls": {
            "insecure_skip_verify": true

It seems I have the same issue as Cells sync cant connect to my server but there isn’t enough information to confirm.

Any help would be appreciated.

Hello @crobibero ,

Could you share with me your cells sites configuration,
you can use the command ./cells configure sites.

/var/cells # cells configure sites
The following sites are currently defined:
| # |       BIND(S)        |     TLS     |      EXTERNAL URL       |
| 0 | | Self-signed |                        |

I see that this is probably not correct, so I updated the config to now have the following, and now oidc is responding correctly. I must have missed this step in the docs, can you please link this step so I can see what else I missed?

/var/cells # cells configure sites
The following sites are currently defined:
| # |       BIND(S)        |     TLS     |      EXTERNAL URL       |
| 0 | | Self-signed | https://pydio.domain.tld |

Hello @crobibero

Indeed you fixed the issue, basically by setting the external address, you are telling cells which URL is valid for the requests.

We might have not emphasized the mandatory status of this setting.

By now your issue should be resolved once you have set an external address, if you encounter other issues tell me in the thread.

Also about the nginx documentation I think that i’m gonna do a big update on it because it seems that I did not emphasize many details that are important on Cells side.

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Ah that makes sense. I don’t think I found that article as I was specifically looking for Caddy configuration!

Thank you for your replies, I now have a fully working Pydio Cells instance with sync.

oops, I apologize
I was working with nginx since this morning and it seems that I confused Caddy with nginx,
but I will also do the same for the Caddy documentation.

@zayn Hey there, sorry to resurface this thread from the dead, but I spent a whole bunch of hours trying to solve this problem on my local machine, even with the ./cells configure sites explanation here, and the missing link was that I needed to specify CELLS_BIND and CELLS_EXTERNAL in my Docker compose file.

It might help for sake of those new to your service to expand the documentation for Caddy and Nginx to offer some Docker compose examples, as there is for Traefik.

Thanks for your hard work on this; to me, it feels a lot more stable than NextCloud was.

@smithern thanks for the feedback.

Yep, we have some specific documentation about the docker tweaks on the docker hub and on our site and some sample config are also directly present in the code, but I agree that there is still room for improvment.

We should give some love on these parts when we launch the v4 that will be one step further container oriented . Until then, if you feel inspired and can explain in a few sentences the tips you would have expected in the Caddy documentation, feel free to submit a pull request on the documentation repository, it is also open source :slight_smile: