Pydio cells show only 50 shared users in address book


I want to add some user to a Team, but pydio only shows the first 50 SHARED USERS ,it is posible to change that value?

Note: The search users in directory does not retrive any shared user.
Note2: Actuallly I have more than 150 shared users

Thanks in advance

Hey @Alexlv4

thanks for reporting.
We’ll have a look and let you know.


No. Nope it is rather a bug. Could you please open an issue in our repo on github with some details ?

We could not reproduce this one (even with many shared users). Could you please give some details about your setup? Most important which language do you use?


The bug on the shared user pagination has been fixed in v2.2.6 that has just been released.
Feel free to test and let us know if your problem is solved or please provide us with some more details so that we can reproduce and fix.

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I have installed v2.2.6, and now SHOWS ALL SHARED USERS with pagination, really thanks!!!

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