Pydio cells show only 50 users in address book


I want to add some user to a Team, but pydio only shows the first 50 users order by User Login, it is posible to change that value?

Note: The search users in directory does not retrive any user.

Thanks in advance

Hello @Alexlv4,

The 50 user limit is there to avoid loading everything at once and it is not really possible to modify this value.

For the search could you tell me

  • how many users do you currently have in your directory?
  • are they using special characters in their names?
  • which language are you using?

Hello @zayn,

Answering your questions:

  • how many users do you currently have in your directory? – 120 users
  • are they using special characters in their names? – No, only latin characters
  • which language are you using? – english for admin and spanish for all other users

All my users are Shared

Thanks in advance

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