Pydio cells failed to install on centos 7

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I am trying to install Pydio Cells on Centos
I am failing to complete the step “cells configure”
Here what is the root cause for this failure

2023-06-14T15:47:54.492+0200 INFO pydio.grpc.oauth Checking if legacy migration table exists. {“migration_table”: “schema_migration”}
2023-06-14T15:47:54.509+0200 INFO pydio.grpc.oauth A migration table exists, checking if it is a transactional migration table. {“migration_table”: “schema_migration”}
2023-06-14T15:47:54.515+0200 INFO pydio.grpc.oauth Migration has not yet been applied, running migration. {“version”: “20190100000012000000”}
2023-06-14T15:47:54.517+0200 ERROR pydio.grpc.oauth Could not apply migrations {“error”: “error executing migrations/20190100000012000000_client.up.sql, sql: ALTER TABLE hydra_client ADD created_at timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT now();\nALTER TABLE hydra_client ADD updated_at timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT now();\n: Error 1060: Duplicate column name ‘created_at’”, “errorVerbose”: “Error 1060: Duplicate column name ‘created_at’\nerror executing migrations/20190100000012000000_client.up.sql, sql: ALTER TABLE hydra_client ADD created_at timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT now();\nALTER TABLE hydra_client ADD updated_at timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT now();\n\\n\\\n\\*Migrator).UpTo.func1.2\n\\*Migrator).isolatedTransaction\n\\*Migrator).UpTo.func1\n\\*Migrator).exec\n\\*Migrator).UpTo\n\\*Migrator).Up\n\\*Persister).MigrateUp\n\\\n\\\n\\\n\\nsync.(*Once).doSlow\n\tsync/once.go:74\nsync.(*Once).Do\n\tsync/once.go:65\\n\\\n\\\n\\*service).Start\n\\*server).Serve.func2.1\n\\*Group).Go.func1\n\\nruntime.goexit\n\truntime/asm_amd64.s:1594”}

What version of Cells are you using?

Pydio Cells Home Edition
Version: 4.2.2
Built: 12 Jun 23 11:21 +0000
Git commit: 97743aa135594a3f8eb53ee0c191b61aaa2ad260
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Go version: go1.19.9

What is the server OS? Database name/version? Browser name or mobile device description (if issue appears client-side)?

Server OS : Centos 7.7.7
Database : MariaDB 5.5.68
Browser name : Firefox 113.0.2 (64 bits)
The issue appears server side

What steps have you taken to resolve this issue already?

I do not understand my error since it was a brand new mariadb installation on my server.
I checked my database “schema_migration” exists and that i

Is it correct?
Cells v4 requires MariaDB version 10.3 and above

I will try with mariadb 10.3 and above and let you know

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