Cannot start Pydio Cells on CentOS7

I have tried more that 15 time to install different version of Pydio Cells on CentOs, but without any progress. Last version was v2.3.3, but still same problem, it's not running.

Machine have 4 cores, and 8GB of RAM, mysql is Server version: 10.6.4-MariaDB MariaDB Server, everithing is run with pydio user not root, unlimit -n 8192.

Errors on first run:

2021-08-18T10:12:23.354+0200	ERROR	pydio.grpc.healthcheck	Could not run 	{"error": "listen tcp: address tcp/<nil>: unknown port"}
|2021-08-18T10:12:59.248+0200|ERROR||Failed to init DB provider|{error: Error 1025: Error on rename of './cells/enc_node_keys' to './cells/#sql-backup-710-b' (errno: 168 \Unknown (generic) error from engine\) handling data_key_data-key.0.1.sql}|
|2021-08-18T10:12:59.248+0200|ERROR||Could not run |{error: Error 1025: Error on rename of './cells/enc_node_keys' to './cells/#sql-backup-710-b' (errno: 168 \Unknown (generic) error from engine\) handling data_key_data-key.0.1.sql}|
|2021-08-18T10:13:23.954+0200|ERROR||Could not run |{error: index not reachable}|
|2021-08-18T10:13:23.984+0200|ERROR||Could not run |{error: index not reachable}|
|2021-08-18T10:13:24.034+0200|ERROR||Could not run |{error: index not reachable}|
|2021-08-18T10:13:24.044+0200|ERROR||Could not run |{error: index not reachable}|
|2021-08-18T10:13:24.044+0200|ERROR||Could not run |{error: index not reachable}|
|2021-08-18T10:15:44.867+0200|ERROR|pydio.grpc.user|Failed to init DB provider|{error: cannot perform migration: Error 1025: Error on rename of './cells/idm_user_attributes' to './cells/#sql-backup-710-a' (errno: 168 \Unknown (generic) error from engine\) handling idm_user_0.2.sql}|
|2021-08-18T10:15:44.867+0200|ERROR|pydio.grpc.user|Could not run |{error: cannot perform migration: Error 1025: Error on rename of './cells/idm_user_attributes' to './cells/#sql-backup-710-a' (errno: 168 \Unknown (generic) error from engine\) handling idm_user_0.2.sql}|
2021-08-18T10:25:17.943+0200	ERROR	pydio.grpc.tasks	cannot run action actions.auth.prune.tokens: {"id":"","code":0,"detail":"Error 1146: Table 'cells.hydra_oauth2_access' doesn't exist","status":""}	{"OperationUuid": "actions.auth.prune.tokens-2de8caf9"}

2021-08-18T10:15:39.384+0200	WARN		Failed to create client schemas	{"error": "Could not migrate sql schema, applied 8 Migrations: Error 1025: Error on rename of './cells/hydra_client' to './cells/#sql-backup-710-d' (errno: 168 \"Unknown (generic) error from engine\") handling 9", "errorVerbose": "Error 1025: Error on rename of './cells/hydra_client' to './cells/#sql-backup-710-d' (errno: 168 \"Unknown (generic) error from engine\") handling 9\nCould not migrate sql schema, applied 8 Migrations\*SQLManager).CreateSchemas\n\\\n\\nsync.(*Once).doSlow\n\tsync/once.go:66\nsync.(*Once).Do\n\tsync/once.go:57\\n\\\n\\*service).Start\n\\nruntime.goexit\n\truntime/asm_amd64.s:1374"}
2021-08-18T10:15:39.447+0200	WARN		Failed to sync clients	{"error": "Error 1054: Unknown column 'audience' in 'field list'", "errorVerbose": "Error 1054: Unknown column 'audience' in 'field list'\\n\\*SQLManager).CreateClient\n\\\n\\\n\\\n\\*service).Start\n\\nruntime.goexit\n\truntime/asm_amd64.s:1374"}

Please help!


We have been testing MariaDB 10.3, 10.4 and 10.5

Not yet 10.6

Could you please try with one of these versions ?

Furthermore, this does not look good :

Could you please precise the configuration you use for the DB ?
Do you see any error during install ?

Configuration for database is default. No extra option after installation.

I will try with some other version of MariaDB.

With version of mysql 10.5 now Pydio is working:


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Ok so it seems there are glitches with MariaDB on 10.6. We’ll have a look.

Thanks for the feed back.

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