Pydio Cells Enterprise - AD Sync issue

Hiya. We are currently running Pydio Core but have a trial key for Pydio cells enterprise. I set cells up with no issues but am struggling to get AD users to sync over. I have used the exact same config that works in our current setup and I have also confirmed via ldapsearch that the box itself can connect and pull down the users.

When I run the scheduler it finishes without errors but I see no users,

|21:58:46|Synchronisation complete
|21:58:44|Persisting modifications
|21:58:44|Comparing internal and external directories
|21:58:42|Starting synchronisation with external directory
|21:58:42|Starting job manually (triggered by user admin)

I did notice a log entry that looks suspicious.

cells_1 | {“level”:“info”,“ts”:“2021-07-07T09:58:44Z”,“msg”:“map[]”}

Any help would be appreciated.


When you add/modify connector, please restart cells service & try again


I restarted the cells docker image and get the same results.


When you conncect Cells to AD, the name of attributes are case sensitive.
For example, it works in pydio php with “samaccountname” but in cells, it should be “sAMAccountName”

If it’s possible, please send me a private message of AD config in your cells.

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