Pydio Cells API - Where are file operation calls?

Thanks for your response, zayn. I will see if my support person can submit a support ticket on my behalf.

Some feedback from a new v8 → Cells 2 user in the meantime which may or may not help identify/clarify documentation gaps.

When searching for additional answers, I first came across your response here:

Where you answered with “use s3 api” and a link to a non-existent page (perhaps newly non-existent?). The responses to your post more or less indicate the same surprise at the lack of documentation and direction.

Looking for the resource I thought you were trying to link to, I found:

But this has the similar brief “can be accessed by any tool that communicates using Amazon S3 protocol”. I can’t be sure if a clearer statement around setting this up is warranted.

After a few searches against the KB, I found that the file upload/download isn’t part of the Pydio API. There is the briefest mention of “The leaf folder is exposed as an Amazon S3 bucket” here:

The closest thing to an answer I can find is this

… but even here it grazes the question and more or less leaves it to the user to figure out. Based on my lack of experience, I don’t know if this was warranted or not.

I now see that the cec binary has move/add/delete file commands in it.

In conclusion, would you say that the current official docs are saying when it comes to file operations:

  • use the supplied cec binary
  • otherwise, you could use the S3 interface, but we offer no support for this solution

Not trying to be critical, but am trying to get the gist of what the official direction is meant to read like.

Thanks kindly for your attention, and best regards!