Pydio 8.1 Shared Public link not working 403

Best members of the Forum.
I have a new installation of Pydio 8.1
Apache, PHP 7.1, MySQL 5.6
Auto install webhoster

I experience the next problem.
Shared Public link, does not always work a 403 browser Forbidden notification.
I have tried everything to solve this.
Is there someone who can help me further?

There is no htaccess in the public folder, I do not know if this is correct?

Thanks in advance
Joop Ruiter

Is there anyone from Pydio who can give any suggestions on my post?

Thanks in advance
Joop Ruiter

Please visit this link, may it be helpful

Here is the steps that i took to solve the problem while running a fresh installation of pydio in a Centos7:

you have to edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and add:

<Directory “/var/lib/pydio/public/”>
AllowOverride AuthConfig
Require all granted
< /Directory>

And that`s it.

I do not have <Directory “/ var / lib / pydio / public /”>
my directory is pydio / data / public.
Do I have to make a htaccess with this, with the following?

<Directory “/ var / lib / pydio / public /”>
AllowOverride AuthConfig
Require all granted
</ Directory>

I also can not find, /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and add: I have no etc.
where do these files stand?

There is no htaccess in my public folder.
Well in the pydio folder.

greeting Joop

Hey man,

What’s your OS?

Depending on the OS, some files are stored in a different path.

Cent OS 6

Pydio free Auto install by webhoster.
