Enterprise version RTL support

We are considering the enterprise version but RTL and Arabic support is a show stopper for us… are there any plans to add them in the future?

Hello @sks and welcome in our community.

To support new languages, we mainly rely on the community - there have been some exceptions for clients that have financially participated in adding support for a new language, but this is not common.

Thus said, we have already added Arabic in our translation tool upon user request but there has been no step forward since then. And even if theoretically our interface should be RTL ready, we are waiting to have the translation almost ready to test and fix potential glitches.

So shortly said: we do not currently support Arabic and there is no plan about when it should be added.

Hi @bsinou,

I guess if interfaces are RTL ready then half the problem is solved… that’s one of the biggest hurdles when it comes to arabic.
So if the arabic translation is done then can I assume that the different RTL interfaces would fixed if need arise?

Hey gyus,

I’ll try to translate all missing string into Arabic language, but I need some time, I’ve already started translation process :v:, I’ll ping you over once I’m done.

Hi @Abdulrahman_Mustafa and welcome!

Thanks that’s nice to hear but you will see, there quite some work.
Maybe, you can try to begin with messages that are in these 2 packages under front/front-srv/asets/:

  • access.frontend
  • gui.ajax

We might then begin to make some tests on our side to see how the UI behave in RTL.

Anyway, thanks for your help!

By the way, there is also the Android App that does not have the Arabic version yet.
It is muuuuuuch shorter than the server: Cells Android Client dashboard in Crowdin

If you wanna give a try, we can add this language in the translation tool, you can then quickly make a first pass. We can then see how it behaves with RTL and fix potential issues.

Let us know!
