Developer Needed: Log of Shared Files: Add Retention to Pydio Enterprise 8.2.2

We have Pydio Enterprise 8.2.2 running. Due to compliance requirements we need to fullfil an additional requirement:

Whenever somebody makes a file available to somebody else (typically via public URL), the file and some meta information (time, user) need to be stored at a separate place, probably be sent via email to a defined address.

As far as I know, Pydio does not offer this “out of the box”. Therefore, we would need a plugin/component/bot/idontknowyet to have this functionality. It could be an extension for pydio, it could be a separate program, what ever fits best.

Please get in touch if you interested. I’d like to know your idea on how to solve this, the budget you are asking for, and some references (related to pydio) would be perfect.

Thank you!

let me resume quickly you would like to be able to retrieve the meta info on a shared link to send them via email?

Whenever you create a shared resource it will be listed in the audit log, but then you want to retrieve a specific line from it i guess?

Hi! So the compliance requirement is to have all information in a single place. Audit log is fine but we need to have it sent via email to the “company wide retention system”. This should happen automatically. Let me know is this makes it clearer… Thanks! Ralf

when you say automatically,
you mean on each new change or each period (for instance each x days).

Hi! Whatever is easier. But I am thinking more about every five minutes, not days. If you are interested I’d be happy to receive an email from you - jahr [at] :slight_smile: