Shared Files not showing


I’m new to Pydio, and have for the most part figured out everything we need, except for one thing…

Sharing a file with a role or even a user doesn’t show up in the Shared files when that user or a user with that role logs on. Pretty sure we are missing something…

This is on a new installation of Pydio 8.2.3 running with Apache2 on Ubuntu Linux 18.04.2 and using mysql and PHP v7.3.6-1, here: PHP Info, doesn’t seem to be browser specific - tried on Vivaldi and Edge.

Any help would be appreciated,


– Peter.


This specific role must have access to “Shared Files” workspace


Thanks for your reply.
We have setup two Roles: Users and Support…

Users has read access to “Shared Files”, Support has read/write access.

The idea being that users can upload data for us to use in a support capacity but other ‘Users’ cannot access what they upload.

I’m sure I’m missing something simple…

– Peter.


Hi “Shared Files” is specific (built-in) workspace of Pydio which groups all shares of one user into one point. If you disable access to this point, users see no share and please don’t confuse with “Shared Files” workspace created by you.

try with “Write” only for one workspace (created by you), user can upload but workspace is alway empty from his view

I’m talking about the built in shared files area… The only workspace I have created is the one for users to read from, but which we as software providers can write to.

It is entirely possible I have messed a setting somewhere while trying out how things work without knowing it…

Interesting idea about write only workspace - hadnt thought of that. I’d still like to know why the built in one isnt working though?

– Peter.