Cells purging question

hey @sbs

I actually wrote a shell script to do this for us. What it does is move/delete the files from the location on disk, and then uses the Cells CLI tool to run a datasource synchronization that repairs the database.I know it’s not the “API based solution” I was hoping for when I posted this question, but it does work well.

This is the script:

# This script will move files older than 30 days to recyclebin
# NOTE files inside folders with a name that starts with "/lts-" will not be moved.
# "lts-" folders are considered "Long Term Storage" and are exempt from this script.
shopt -s globstar

if [ "$USER" != "pydio" ]; then
        echo "Please run this script as pydio user"

#Empty the previous recyclebin
rm /home/pydio/recyclebin/*

#Obtain timestamp -30 days
pastdate=$(date -d "$date -30 days" '+%s')
#Loop through all files/folders
for file in /home/pydio/.config/pydio/cells/data/cellsdata/**
                #Use perl to match file paths that do not contain "/lts-"
                match=$(echo "${file}" | perl -0777 -pe 's/^(?:(?!\/lts-).)+$/match/i')
                #Get type, directory | regular file
                filetype=`stat -c %F "$file"`
                #If its a good path and file then
                if [ "$match" == "match" ] && [ "$filetype" == "regular file" ]; then
                        #Get the mtime timestamp
                        filemtime=`stat -c %Y "$file"`
                        #If the file mtime is older or equal to the comparison date, delete it
                        if [ $filemtime -le $pastdate ]; then
                                echo "$file"
                                mv "$file" /home/pydio/recyclebin/
                                #rm "$file"

/home/pydio/cells admin resync --datasource=cellsdata
echo "****"
echo "Script finished. Please verify cellsdata resync in the logs."
echo "****"