Error : Crawling folder /media/sata/www/cio-recollets/cloud/plugins to check all files are writeable : File /media/sata/www/cio-recollets/cloud/plugins/gui.ajax/res/mui/less FAIL! Please make sure that the whole tree is currently writeable by the webserver, or upgrade may probably fail at one point.
All files are chown www-data:www-data.
If I do to root ot take error that must be in www-data or apache.
to solve this you have to delete the sym link named less located in /pydio/plugins/gui.ajax/res/mui/, then it should let you update properly.
This file less is just a false negative so don’t worry about it.
i suggest you to delete it completely because it bothers the checker when he wants to upgrade and also could you clear your cache you can do a rm -f pydio/data/cache/plugins_* and also the browsers cache just to be sure.
same problem here: link ‘less’ removed, rm -f pydio/data/cache/plugins_* done - but still Error : Crawling folder [XXX]/pydio/plugins to check all files are writeable : File /[XXX]/pydio/plugins/gui.ajax/res/mui/less FAIL! Please make sure that the whole tree is currently writeable by the webserver, or upgrade may probably fail at one point.