Unable to connect collabora online

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Describe your issue in detail

I am trying to connect remote Collabora Online service and enable the plugin from the admin panel. When I try to open some .docx file I get nothing.
Here is a log from the admin panel

Level : error
Logger : pydio.web.libreoffice
Msg : Error in libreoffice reverse proxy: dial tcp: lookup https on server misbehaving - dial tcp: lookup https on server misbehaving
Ts : 1730790168
SpanUuid : span-6

What version of Cells are you using?


What is the server OS? Database name/version? Browser name or mobile device description (if issue appears client-side)?

Fedora Linux 41
MariaDB 15.1
Firefox 132

What steps have you taken to resolve this issue already?

I have tried adding the domain of pydio cells into the Collabora online config file but still have the same issue.

Hi @Amanuel_Elhanan

Please give some further details about your “remote Collabora Online service” and the parameters you use to configure the plugin in Cells: the server cannot reach the Collabora plugin.

The I have installed Collabora online on the Fedora server using
sudo dnf install coolwsd and publicly accessible through this domain. https://office.smartbits.dev
The current version running is Collabora Online Development Edition and listens on port 9980; it works fine on Nextcloud.
Here is the config I have used in the Pydio Cells admin panel:

@charles @Cuong_Tran
Can you help me with this, please?


From office.smartbits.dev, are you able to ping to the dns of cells server?

@c12simple Thanks for replying
I am running cells on LAN and users are accessing it through local LAN. The Collabora online server is publicly accessible and in a different location.

@c12simple I am running cells behind reverse proxy using caddy, could that be a problem?

@bsinou @c12simple
Well, it seems Pydio Cells must be reachable from the device Collabora Online is installed on. Since I am using Cells on LAN, that is impossible. I have deployed CODE on the same computer, and it is working.

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