Issue on integrating Collabora on Cells

Hi, I have installed cells 4.4 on a Almalinux 8 with Plesk using static binaries. I configured a nginx proxy and cells is running fine at my public address https pydiotest mydomain it (sorry as new user I cant add more than two urls…)

Then I installed collabora via code packages on the same server. After tricking out a bit, I was able to configure the nginx proxy to run collabora from outside on https and directly from inside the server on http localhost 9980 (or, or, doesn’t matter).
It seems working correctly, as they both respond when calling /hosting/discovery for example, returning a long xml.

Then I configured collabora plugin inside cells, as

Code Version 21 and upper
Libre Office SSL true
Skip certificate verification true
Host libreoffice external url
Host Libreoffice Port 443

When I double click on a word document (or any else Office document), a blank page is shown and the cells journal shows

Error in libreoffice reverse proxy: EOF {“error”: “EOF”}

Nothing is shown on collabora journal.

I tried all other combination too (ssl true-false, using internal address for collabora).

The nginx configuration applied for collabora is the one according to collabora documentation [ Reverse proxy settings in Nginx config (SSL termination)].

Could you please help?


Hi, have you searched the posts here? Lot’s of info on this topic…

Met with the same problem here, I use helm to install collabora/code, following by:
collabora-online-helm-chart, and I use ingress-nginx to reverse my collabora service.

And I do the same jobs like you in pydio-cells, setting the collabora url and ports, I even set a DNS record in CoreDNS…

But when I open a docx file, it will take a few seconds to load, but it end up jumping to the default page when logging in pydio-cells. I check the pydio logs, no error logs shows, same as collabora, it just like pydio never successfully connecting to collabora?

I would like to read your post and try to solve this problem

I use helm chart to install collabora but fail to work with pydio-cells(pydio-cells also use helm chart to install), the problem is that the plugin seems would not redirect to collabora to open office files.

I have tried your docker compose file to start a collabora docker, which is also failing to work. My pydio-cells version is 4.4.6 (home edition) and collabora version is

Sorry I just saw this post. You mentioned you tried to use my compose file? I had Cells & Collabora in the same stack when I was successful, I used Portainer. I have no experience with Helm/Kubernetes
Since they are in the same stack for me, I just referenced Collabora/code on port 9980.

You mentioned “and directly from inside the server on http localhost 9980 (or, or, doesn’t matter).” I think it may matter, I have my Cells server listening on all interfaces at and Collabora on 9980. No need to proxy manage Collabora, only Cells.

Well, I finally successfully launched collabora.

I tried your docker-compose file first , which I set Libre Office Host to be the node IP deploying collabora with docker-compose, and Libre Office Port to be 9980. And it worked after deleting my pydio-cells pods and creating them again, because I found that changing collabora plugin settings would not work immediately :confused:, it needs to recreate pods to take effect.

But because I deploy pydio-cells in my kubernetes cluster, and it’s necessary to have more replicas for supporting over 20~50 users. So I tried using collabora helm chart again, and thankfully it worked finally. What I did is not using ingress to expose collabora service , which means no ssl and domain, only Cluster type service which can be accessed from cluster inside, the container start up command params are:
extra_params: --o:ssl.enable=false --o:ssl.termination=true --o:num_prespawn_children=4

and here is my settings:

which the host is consistent DNS name of collabora service

Anyway, your answer really help me a lot. I used your docker-compose file to verify
how to connect to collabora service, and figured out how to set the pydio plugin settings.

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