Sync with NFS Mount

Hello all,
I hope I can get some help here. Pydio Cells is running in the version as below. I am trying to mount my external hard drive. When syncing I get the following error:

Level : error
Logger :
Msg : Skipping checksum on error for <video file path> - Put "<video file path>": net/http: timeout awaiting response headers
OperationUuid : resync-ds-plex-2a82c93d
SchedulerJobUuid : resync-ds-plex
SchedulerTaskActionPath : ROOT/actions.cmd.resync$0
SchedulerTaskUuid : 2a82c93d-361e-489b-a283-9b588a8add75
SpanParentUuid : f288e839-9895-42bd-9d86-b498abb7c4c1
SpanRootUuid : f288e839-9895-42bd-9d86-b498abb7c4c1
SpanUuid : 31f6cade-69a7-48e1-aae4-f7ef5770f21b
Ts : 1681201484
HasRoot : true
Level : error
Logger :
Msg : Compute Etag Copy - Put "<video file path>": net/http: timeout awaiting response headers
Ts : 1681201484
SpanUuid : span-7


Pydio Cells Home Edition 4.1.2 (Docker)

Hi BenLue,
is this video particularly huge? Does the datasource sync seem to always get stuck on that file?

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