Switching back to polling

hi Pydio,

My pydio-install 8.0.2 is running on MacOs 10.13.5 with Server App 5.6.1 and running PHP 7.1.6.
I have an installed Thawte 123 SSL cert, which functions normal.

I can acces the website via SSL normally, and can create folders etc, and also upload files without problems. Well, there is an error in the website console, but the file does upload.

But when I want to download a file, it doesn’t work under Safari. With Chrome the file finally downloads, but with several warnings. “Switching back to polling”

It must be something with the SSL, which I don’t understand, because that functions normally and is installed properly. The only thing I can come up with is that the local server is running a self-signed certificate, maybe that cause this?

Any ideas?

mattijn boer

PydioInstantMessenger.js:106 WebSocket connection to ‘wss://share.hcmam.com:8090/ws’ failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
initForRepoId @ PydioInstantMessenger.js:106

PydioInstantMessenger.js:132 Cannot login to websocket server, switching back to polling
(anonymous) @ PydioInstantMessenger.js:132

PydioInstantMessenger.js:123 WebSocket Closed Connection for this reason :The connection was closed abnormally, e.g., without sending or receiving a Close control frame (code 1006)
(anonymous) @ PydioInstantMessenger.js:123

PydioInstantMessenger.js:124 Switching back to polling
(anonymous) @ PydioInstantMessenger.js:124

Please provide the following tags: install / upgrade, package type, server OS, pydio version

could you show me the apache error logs ?