Suggestion regarding upgrading Cells

When I upgraded from Cells v1.6.1 to v2.0.1 I received the following message

Binary package has been successfully verified, you can now restart Cells.

WARNING: you are using the reserved port 443.

You must execute following command to authorize the new binary to use this port before restarting your instance:

$ sudo setcap ‘cap_net_bind_service=+ep’ <path to your binary>

The issue here is that “<path to your binary>” is very unhelpful. I figured out that it meants the “cells” executable, but even that’s not clear. It would be very helpful to explicitly include the path in this notification.


Thank you for the feedback, indeed we could just put cap_net_bind_service=+ep’ cells it could be less confusing?

I’ll open an issue for the devs.

Thanks zayn. Hope you had a good holiday season, have a happy new year!