February 19, 2020, 6:32am
After installing & then starting Cells 2.0.3 in my Ubuntu 16.04 system, I can create Pydio users.
But while creating/uploading new file/folder, I get the error “Internal Server Error”. It also keeps on popping even after any user logs in. The screenshot of the message is attached:
Simultaneously, in the terminal output (after “./cells start”), it displays this:
ERROR pydio.grpc.tasks cannot run action actions.auth.prune.tokens: {“id”:“go.micro.client”,“code”:500,“detail”:“none available”,“status”:“Internal Server Error”} {“OperationUuid”: “actions.auth.prune.tokens-dea1a170”}
I could not find any solution to the above.
Please suggest. Thanks
February 19, 2020, 11:26am
Hello @sid ,
Could you tell me how you installed Cells?
Also did you modify the default datasources settings?
And would you mind telling me which peer address are your datasources using.
February 19, 2020, 11:57am
Hello @zayn
I installed Cells by following
(I already have XAMPP installed on my system)
I did not modify any datasources settings. I just followed except that my internal as well as external URL both are localhost:8080 & my database user is “pydio” instead of “root”
A portion of pydio.json as shown by “cat pydio.json” command:
“”: {
“sources”: [
“”: {
“ApiKey”: “uXITaPcotdKAXIL3”,
“ApiSecret”: “frusMPbTJL22gJIW9TBinD6F”,
“Name”: “cellsdata”,
“ObjectsBucket”: “cellsdata”,
“ObjectsPort”: 45737,
“ObjectsServiceName”: “local1”,
“PeerAddress”: “abcd”,
“StorageConfiguration”: {
“folder”: “/root/.config/pydio/cells/data/cellsdata”,
“normalize”: “false”
“”: {
“ApiKey”: “uXITaPcotdKAXIL3”,
“ApiSecret”: “frusMPbTJL22gJIW9TBinD6F”,
“Name”: “personal”,
“ObjectsBucket”: “personal”,
“ObjectsPort”: 45737,
“ObjectsServiceName”: “local1”,
“PeerAddress”: “abcd”,
“StorageConfiguration”: {
“folder”: “/root/.config/pydio/cells/data/personal”,
“normalize”: “false”
“”: {
“ApiKey”: “uXITaPcotdKAXIL3”,
“ApiSecret”: “frusMPbTJL22gJIW9TBinD6F”,
“Name”: “pydiods1”,
“ObjectsBucket”: “pydiods1”,
“ObjectsPort”: 45737,
“ObjectsServiceName”: “local1”,
“PeerAddress”: “abcd”,
“StorageConfiguration”: {
“folder”: “/root/.config/pydio/cells/data/pydiods1”,
“normalize”: “false”
where “abcd” (name changed) is the name of Ubuntu machine (i.e. [root@abcd])
February 19, 2020, 12:55pm
Could you try with another user than root.
To clean everything you must remove the ~/.config/pydio/cells/
and clean the database (you can remove it).
Then try to reinstall and restart Cells with this user, (Make sure that you always install and Start Cells With the same User).
Also I would assume that you are running and Accessing Cells through the same machine (localhost).
February 24, 2020, 7:28am
I installed Pydio Cells on a different Ubuntu server & it works.
Thanks for your help!