I am trying to configure ldap authentication with Active Directory.
The users are organized in different OU(Organization Units) and i configure the Domain/Users location,
but now every user can log and publish files and i would like to restrict the users that can log in Pydio including these users in a group in Active Directory, but i dont know how to configure that in Pydio.
Let me explain: I have 500 users and want only 50 users to log in Pydio. Can i create one ldap group and put these users inside so just these group can autenticate in Pydio?
There is a way to do that?
I am using Pydio Community 8.2.3
General Options -> Standard login screen enabled; Basic Http FrontEnd enabled; API Keystore enabled; Generic Features: Enable Users enabled;
Master Driver:
Main Instance: Instance Type: LDAP/AD Directory; Server Connection: Ldap URL -> IP Active Directory; Protocol: Standard(Ldap); Ldap Port 389; LDAP bind Username CN=testuser,OU=Domain; LDAP bind password: Password
Users Schema: People DN -> OU=Users,DC=Domain; LDAP Filter objectClass=person; User attribute sAMAccountName; Test User -> user.fernando