Sharing raw HTML files

I would like to share index.html files and linked images using public links. However instead of showing the user-friendly UI it would be great if the external users could just get the index.html displayed. Is there a way to set up a kind of “raw sharing”?

I have tried to say “open in -> external browser window” which will render HTML in a modal window but not load linked images.

My use case is sharing simple web snippets with CSS and images.

I would appreciate if anyone had a nice idea. I hope that there’s a hidden switch somewhere in the system that I missed.

UPDATE: I tried and in the admin panel set it to “New Tab” but that still opens files in a modal.

sorry for the late reply i will ask the devs if this is actually possible (share raw HTML files).

Thanks. Much appreciated.

i had a conversation with the devs and they told me that it wasn’t really possible, Pydio is served by a webserver but he cannot act as a one too, but you have other ways that i could list you and if you think it serves you well you can follow them :

  • You could create a workspace that is pointing to /var/www/ for example so that you have the ability to edit those pages and then you can display them on your browser

I don’t suppose anything ever got added or updated in Pydio to address this?

I like Pydio and appreciate all the efforts of the devs, but it seems kinda ludicrous that we have a web based product that has a web server as one of it’s core components, even includes a built-in html editor, yet somehow no way to actually view/display the documents after you’ve edited them. Using Pydio’s html editor. Which is web based.

there has been new features added to address this, using the webdav access to public links. Shortly put, you can use a public link as a static website !
If you have shared a folder as a public link (eg. cells/{linkID}), the folder content is served as http under cells/{linkID}/dav/ …

See in the admin console > extensions > action.share settings, you will find some settings for these, where you will find settings similar to Indexes configuration for web servers.