Share link need user and password

Hi, i we have a fresh pydio installation (8.2.0) on an Ubuntu Server.

Installation works great.

When i try to share a example picture like this: domain/files/public/35a49b
Pydio would like to have an user and a password.

Our installation is here: /var/www/vhosts/domain/httpdocs/files/
Where could the mistake of thinking be with us?


did you put in the secure access section a password, when you created the public link, could you show me a screen capture of how you created the share.

Hi, thanks for your reply.
I have no password actually.

Could you clear your pydio’s cache it’s located in <your pydio>/data/cache/ do a rm -f plugins_* and also a rm -f i18n/* and then recreate a new share and see if it still prompts you for a password.

unfortunally the same :frowning:

Are you using some kind of other authentication, like a ldap etc …, or a you only using the DB Auth Storage.

Where i have to find that?

In Application Parameters > Authentication and see if you have a secondary driver or only a master.

Here we go!

and it prompts you for the password when you click the link from you computer ? or also on the users end ?
could you try to copy the link an in cognito mode and see it’s still here.

If I copy the link into the browser (myself in which I am logged in Pydio, new tab) I will still be asked for a password. I give the same data, I have no access.

If i try the link in a private mode nothing happens.

Mabye i have a file permission problem

yes it seems to be, because if you cannot access your link even with another access, mmm try to do a chmod -R 770 on your pydio in /var/www also if you do a ls -l who’s the user, is it www-data ?

-R 770 for all pydio files?

you can do that for where the data is located, <your pydio>/data

I changed nothing. All files in /data have the permission 770 - User - www-data
Only the data/plugins have 0755 / webuser

ok let’s resume this,

  1. when you try the public link on the same browser it asks for the password and then you can access the share ( confirm me this part )
  2. when you tried with incognito it doesn’t go to the share, it was a blank page
  1. can´t access
  2. yes

Does the folder data/plugins have to be www-data?

yes all the pydio install should be under www-data because it’s needed for the webserver to access it and display it on the site

Okay. i try to change the data/plugin folde to www-data 770 okay?

yes if it’s possible