SAML Connector results in Connector Not Found

Hello. I am trying to configure a SAML connector using the latest helm chart. I have used the SimpleSAMLphp example to get an understanding of where some of the values go, but am using another external Identity Provider.

I do see the new connector option at the login screen, but when clicking I always receive a page that indicates “Connector not found”. I do not see anything in the logs. I tried to enable debug in the cells deployment pydio log environment variable. This resulted in an error saying the monitor service could not connect with the oauth service and a golang ‘stack’ trace. Any ideas on what may be the problem?

Hello and welcome to the forum.

Are you using the Home or the Enterprise Edition?

Unfortunately, the advanced connectors can be enabled via the helm chart but are not supported if you run the Home server.

On the other hand, if you are an Enterprise customer, I strongly advise you to directly get in touch with our support.

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