Pydio Cells on Windows Server 2019 standart

Hello All,

I am new to pydio and I try to understand a little bit more how the software works.
Already install Pydio cells and locally with the IP on ports 80, 8080, and 443 with no certificate and everything works.
Also works on port 8080 with the server name.

If I try to access with the server name on port 443
421 “Server name” is not served on this interface

I just try to test and access everything internally after to move forward to try to access from the public face.

  • List item
    1- How I can result in the issue with the name and port 443?
    2- How I can request the certificate for pydio?
    3- How I can access from the public face that website.

Any opinion going to help me a lot.

Thank you,

pydio sites

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