I am trying to install Pydio Cells v2.2.6 in a container in Proxmox using a Debian 10 base image and I am following the guide found here: Install Cells on Debian/Ubuntu | Pydio
I have a MariaDB server (10.5.9) installed on another host with a user setup according to the instructions in the link above.
The path /mnt/datastorage
is a NFS share mounted on the proxmox host and the added to the container. I have tested that the pydio user in the container have read and write access to the share.
I have tried both the web based configuration and the terminal based, but both result in the same problem when starting cells, the web interface does not start. The log says “Restarting proxy” over and over again.
The terminal output can be found here: Ghostbin
I am thankful for any assistance you can give me in troubleshooting this.