I running pydio cells through docker on my synology NAS server,after finish setup, I cannot view images and avatars, also no thumbs,but all cells services work fine.chrome Inspect show the following error:
bundle.prod.min.js?v=7c435aed5033f392be53631b8988210d:56 Can not process element without width. Make sure the element is displayed and has a static width.
process @ bundle.prod.min.js?v=7c435aed5033f392be53631b8988210d:56
Caddy log all those info.
0/Jun/2020:07:28:47 +0000 [ERROR 502 /auth/dex/.well-known/openid-configuration] dial tcp: lookup PENDING on no such host
The task error logs is most probably not linked to your problem: you uploaded a PNG image and Cells could not generate the thumbnail, but it is a known limitation that Cells cannot (yet) generate thumbnails for PNG. Does thumbs for jpg work ?
Thus said and from what you describe it seems like the technical datasources that provide thumbnails, avatar and all are not working correctly.
You have to describe your set up in more details for someone to be able to help you.
You can also have a look at the starting log and check if everything starts correctly.
thumbnail didn’t work, i found out this problem.I encrypted files cause this error, that kind of sucks, cancel encrypt works fine, I have roll back to nextcloud that i can preview encrypted files without download.
thx 4your reply