Thumbnails for Photos

Dear All,
I am happily running Cells 1.4.1. I have a few questions about image thumbnails.
I uploaded some rather large photos (4608x3456).

  1. If I open the picture in the image viewer, I don’t see the image. However, if I click on the icon on the bottom right, that changes to show the letter ‘HD’ and I can see the image. Is this normal?

  2. In the window where I browse files, photos have no thumbnails. Is this also normal?

Thank you very much for your help!


I second this. I too am seeing this issue and no, it’s not normal.

looking at my console I see a 500 error but I cannot figure out why it may be happening.

Hi guys,
This symptoms shows that thumbs have not been properly generated
Is it the case for any photo of any size or only with large ones?

For me it’s any image. I can provide logs upon request.

Upon further investigation, the thumbs folder is being properly populated, but it appears there is an issue when attempting to retrieve the files. Read permissions are given to all for both the thumbnails and parent folders

Thumb: -rw-r--r--
Parent: rwxr-xr-x

Browser logs:
Viewing pre-existing thumbnail: 9a6b9509-adf0-499a-97fb-9b95507bd073-300.jpg:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 ()
Viewing newly uploaded image (after thumbnail creation): dad2f1e6-bde9-4efa-8d39-b8da30c74295-300.jpg:1 GET https://cloud.mydomail.tld/io/pydio-thumbstore/dad2f1e6-bde9-4efa-8d39-b8da30c74295-300.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=gateway&Expires=1553805322&Signature=Hjv1juK6tbHzWSAMQ6DOkfz3nOQ%3D&response-content-disposition=inline&response-content-type=image%2Fjpeg&pydio_jwt=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1... ...RhvEwz0pephBHDSDAnA8Pyu_QMRQCT5of0fTeJt0xELcTbUx6LDTeHLXsI1YFW_NRRXpid-yEt0f7nJHglbQ 500

Cells Log:

Ts : 1553804420
Level : info
Logger : pydio.grpc.tasks
Msg : Updating Meta After Thumbs Generation
SpanUuid : e70e5e86-5196-11e9-8f10-0242ac130002
SpanParentUuid : e70e5e86-5196-11e9-8f10-0242ac130002
SpanRootUuid : e70e5e86-5196-11e9-8f10-0242ac130002
OperationUuid : thumbs-job-1fb2e850
HasChildren : true
IsOpen : true

@jpeizer can you start cells manually in debug mode (this will generate loads of logs…) and try to see if you see an error corresponding to the moment where the network request is sent to grab the thumb?

I can test it out over the weekend. Can you please tell me how to start cells in debug mode, please? (I use the docker container)


@valmar it depends on how you start your container:

With docker compose, you can add an environment variable:

image: pydio/cells:latest
- PYDIO_LOGS_LEVEL=production

If you directly run docker exec of some kind you can add the flag to your start command:

docker exec cells start --log debug or something like that.

Here are the logs: Note: I currently have this application running without SSL.

2019-03-29T14:04:43.091Z	DEBUG	[HANDLER ENCRYPT] > Get Object	{"UUID": "", "Path": "pydio-thumbstore/5a473edc-8b9e-464e-9c17-2ca051371426-300.jpg"}
2019-03-29T14:04:43.092Z	DEBUG	pydio.grpc.tree	ReadNode	{"time": "5.238µs", "req": "Node:<Path:\"pydio-thumbstore/5a473edc-8b9e-464e-9c17-2ca051371426-300.jpg\" MetaStore:<key:\"pydio:meta-data-source-path\" value:\"\\\"5a473edc-8b9e-464e-9c17-2ca051371426-300.jpg\\\"\" > > ", "resp": ""}
2019-03-29T14:04:43.092Z	DEBUG	[HANDLER ENCRYPT] > Get Object	{"UUID": "", "Path": "pydio-thumbstore/23c79533-fdf9-439d-b11a-60cceca31fd3-300.jpg"}
2019-03-29T14:04:43.093Z	DEBUG	pydio.grpc.tree	ReadNode	{"time": "4.004µs", "req": "Node:<Path:\"pydio-thumbstore/23c79533-fdf9-439d-b11a-60cceca31fd3-300.jpg\" MetaStore:<key:\"pydio:meta-data-source-path\" value:\"\\\"23c79533-fdf9-439d-b11a-60cceca31fd3-300.jpg\\\"\" > > ", "resp": ""}
2019-03-29T14:04:46.367Z	DEBUG	http: TLS handshake error from EOF
2019-03-29T14:04:46.769Z	DEBUG	http: TLS handshake error from tls: first record does not look like a TLS handshake
2019-03-29T14:04:46.818Z	DEBUG	http: TLS handshake error from tls: first record does not look like a TLS handshake
2019-03-29T14:04:46.899Z	DEBUG	http: TLS handshake error from tls: first record does not look like a TLS handshake
2019-03-29T14:05:16.829Z	DEBUG	pydio.grpc.timer	Sending Timer Event	{"event": "JobID:\"actions.auth.prune.tokens\" Schedule:<Iso8601Schedule:\"R/2012-06-04T19:25:16.828696-07:00/PT5M\" > "}
2019-03-29T14:05:16.830Z	DEBUG	pydio.grpc.timer	Sending Timer Event	{"event": "JobID:\"flush-mailer-queue\" Schedule:<Iso8601Schedule:\"R/2012-06-04T19:25:16.828696-07:00/PT5M\" > "}
2019-03-29T14:05:16.830Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.tasks	Run Job actions.auth.prune.tokens on timer event Iso8601Schedule:"R/2012-06-04T19:25:16.828696-07:00/PT5M" 
2019-03-29T14:05:16.830Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.tasks	Run Job flush-mailer-queue on timer event Iso8601Schedule:"R/2012-06-04T19:25:16.828696-07:00/PT5M" 
2019-03-29T14:05:16.831Z	DEBUG	pydio.grpc.tasks	Cannot post task - break and reconnect streamer	{"error": "EOF"}
2019-03-29T14:05:16.837Z	DEBUG	SearchDocuments	{"query": {"query":"+expiration\u003c1553868316  +DOCSTORE_STORE_ID:resetPasswordKeys"}}
2019-03-29T14:05:16.837Z	DEBUG	SearchDocuments	{"result": "No matches"}
2019-03-29T14:05:17.831Z	DEBUG	pydio.grpc.tasks	Connecting with TaskStreamer Client
2019-03-29T14:05:17.944Z	DEBUG	Owner was pydio.system.user while session user was admin

This was grabbed after reloading the web page and waiting for error to show in the browser then doing a search for the last UUID thumbnail link from the browser error in the debug logs.

NOTE: Like always I have changed sensitive information such as IP addesses and usernames.

I have since reinstalled the setup using docker and set the internal to use https as opposed to http:

Because I am using an outside method (Traefik) to manage my networking and SSL, I tell cells to not use it or manage it.

This seems to have fixed the issue.

      - CELLS_BIND= 
      - CELLS_EXTERNAL=https://cloud.${DOMAIN}
      - CELLS_NO_SSL=1