Problem with upgrade from version 7.0.4 to 8.0.0

CentOS 6.6
Pydio community 7.0.4
MySQL 5.1


trying to upgrade from version 7.0.4 to 8.0.0, the automatic procedure fails. I can not understand why, but it crashes:

Applying upgrade
Checking download permissions
– OK
Downloading upgrade archive
– File saved in /var/www/html/
Checking archive integrity
– Hash is ok (43ee2a94037a1d9784bac8ebbd77b79e)
Checking folders permissions
– OK
Extracting Archive
– Error : Crawling folder to check all files are writeable : File FAIL! Please make sure that the whole tree is currently writeable by the webserver, or upgrade may probably fail at one point.

in the directory /var/www/html/ I find both the zip file and the unpacked directory
and I tried to make the command chmod -R 777 all over document root !!!
In the logs of Pydio and Apache, I do not see anything !!!
So, I tried to do the procedure manually but when I go to execute the commands that are inside the file DB-UPGRADE.mysql, I have the following problem

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX prefs_login_name ON ajxp_user_prefs_temp(login,name);
ERROR 1071 (42000): Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX owner_role ON ajxp_roles(role_id,owner_user_id);
ERROR 1071 (42000): Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes

I do not know if it is a blocking error, but anyway I stop.

CentOS 6.6
Pydio community 7.0.4
MySQL 5.1

p.s I wanted to post this message in the section “Install & Upgrade” but when it comes in, it tells me that I must log in
but I’m logged in. On other sections, I have no problem !!!

Best Regards

Hi, do you have SELinux enabled?

No, SELinux è disable !!!


You are running CentOS 6.6
What is version of PHP ?


the version of PHP is 7.0.15



nobody knows how to help me ??
Above all, why does the manual modification of MySQL also go wrong?

Best Regards

Hi, this is a table collation issue. Can you check the charset of your tables in the db?


the charset is utf8_unicode_ci, is the charset that chose the installation process.

Best Regards


i saw the same error message and i solved it as follows:

first, check database’s engine.

select table_name, engine from tables where table_schema = “your_pydio_database_name” ;

if ajxp_roles’s engine is MyISAM, you should change the engine to InnoDB.

alter table ajxp_roles ENGINE = InnoDB;

finally, you can execute SQL in which the problem occurred.

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX owner_role ON ajxp_roles(role_id, owner_user_id);


yes, the problem is the length of the indexes and you can get around in various ways including what you have described.
However, changing the type of table’s engine could lead to other problems, because every engine has its own characteristics.
Anyway thank you very much for the suggestion.

Best Regards

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