Since I didn’t have any joy installing the linux binary package. I thought I would try the Docker container
I’ve done a new install, connected it to a mariadb running on the docker host.
I can connect into the webpage so that I can go through the install process. I’m doing that just via an ssh tunnel to redirect 443 locally.
So it goes through the setup config, gets to the point where it says it’s finished and it will restart. It counts down and reloads then all I get is a grey screen with loading…
If I check on the developer tools in the browser to see whats happening, I get this
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
Uncaught ReferenceError: PydioBootstrap is not defined at login:18
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
Which is exactly the same error I got when I tried just using the binaries. So looks like I have just wasted my time.
Anybody encountered this? or have any ideas how to fix it?