I’m trying to migrate users from a Pydio 8.2.5 installation into a fresh installation of Pydio Cells 3.0.5,
I can confirm that I have:
- setup a dedicated import admin on Pydio 8
- AllowEncodedSlashes On on Pydio 8 server
The import itself is fine, I have no errors and all users are imported.
However, when I try to login into Pydio Cells with an user credential from Pydio 8, I have a “login failed” error. My user password is not valid.
I’ve tried to debug the issue in the database: If I set the hashed password of a Pydio Cell user to its value from Pydio 8, I can login.
So it seems that user import is somehow broken, otherwise what did I wrong ?
Thanks in advance,