Menu "Download" on folders disappear after a first folder selected

This issue was already posted :

Step :

open workspace "my file"
right click on folder of your choice for the first time
menu download is displayed

right click on second folder of your choice
menu download is not displayed
after the menu "Download" is always hidden

the only workaround is "F5" on each folder you want download

do you already have this problem ?
after many tests I did not find anything to solve it.
thanks for any answers

tested on Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS
Pydio Pro 8.02
Php 7.0.25
Server Cache Enable APCU
Chrome, Firefox
Clean install

this issue should not happen first thing to check is do you have the rewrite rules enabled,
second is did you try testing while disabling the apcu cache to see if the issue is related to it.

Hi zayn,

1 - “rewrite rules enabled”. All seems ok for me :

  • Module rewrite already enabled
  • vhost config with “AllowOverride All”
  • pydio .htaccess with “RewriteEngine on” etc…

2 - “disabling the apcu cache”

  • server cache disable
  • node cache disable
  • plugins_ cleaned every time
  • cache and cookie cleaned every time
  • with command line enable or not
  • pydio booster enable or not
  • no “ad block” installed

always the same issue.

Anyway I continu to investigate and thanks for your support.

All works fine. Not very sure for the setting but it works now.
my more important change :

  • uncomment “$AJXP_INISET[“session.save_path”] = AJXP_DATA_PATH.”/tmp/sessions";" in bootstrap-conf.php
  • enable zip navigation
  • disable / enable pydio booster
  • disable / enable server caching
  • clean all plugings_, cache, cookies

Hi there,
yeah it might’ve been the clearing the plugins cache that have fixed it