Fail loading PDF Files

Hello again!
I try pydio cell with a lot of files (more than 750000) and i have problems creating on the sync of my workspace, whe i load a pdf file i cant see or download it, and i have this

I dont know if i have problems with the encoding of the files or whats happen…

Frequently i see the erro “Error while creating file …”

This is a example log

{“level”:“error”,“ts”:“2019-04-10T02:40:59Z”,“logger”:“”,“msg”:“Error while creating file - workspace/directory/directory/directory/file.pdf - “,“LogType”:“tasks”,“SpanRootUuid”:“1c99669c-5af2-11e9-bb95-020d4d16453e”,“SpanParentUuid”:“1c99669c-5af2-11e9-bb95-020d4d16453e”,“SpanUuid”:“f12ba86b-5af2-11e9-bad2-020d4d16453e”,“OperationUuid”:“resync-ds-certificados-6a0f0b23”,“UserName”:“global”,“UserUuid”:“49bad9d6-3da8-4f51-be8e-c6572ced8559”,“GroupPath”:”/”,“Profile”:“admin”,“Roles”:“ROOT_GROUP,ADMINS,ADMINS,49bad9d6-3da8-4f51-be8e-c6572ced8559”}

Any one know whats happen?
I need configure my enconding?

Thanks again for your support!

could you run a resync of the datasource + a reindexation (you can find the task in the scheduler),

Hi, this didnt work…

I see this error into the pdf file
PDF.js v1.1.215 (build: c9a7498)
Mensaje: Unexpected server response (403) while retrieving PDF “

The same PDF on pydio 8 works fine…

¿You solved it?
I has the same problem!!!

Hi guys, did you enable Encryption on this datasource ?

Alsoa if you have 750000 files … you may wait for the very next release, we improved indexation a lot

No, i dont have enabled the encryption on the datasource…

When will be available the next release???

We can do a upgrade?

Upgrade can be done when it’s available in the Settings Console. After downloading the binary, you’ll have to restart. We will release today.

Charles, thanks for your help…
I update my pydio cells but the pdf viewer problem persist…
I resync the workspace and sincronize the files on scheduler…
But, i can’t preview or download my pdf files…
I see the red bar on the top of the file with the same error message…


Hi, does the simple download of the PDF work? Preview of images? If it’s just a problem with pdf viewer, what’s your browser? OS ?


No, the download of the file dosen’t work…
I can preview some pdf and images… On my server i use Centos 7, for my workstation i use several SO Window 10, Debian, Fedora borwsing with Chrome, FireFox or Opera…
I can download the folder which contents the file, and when i do it the file works Ok… The problem is only if i access some files directly…
Thanks again for your support

I have not been able to identify the problem… And is a hugh problem… I can’t preview or download a lot of files… You recommend me back to Pydio 8???

Exist some way to get support on the community edition???

I cant found any solution for this problem

Another clue what i get is:

Dissable the pdf preview
Use the open option and open on a new windows

I get the error:
Signature Does Not Match THe request signature we calculate does not match the signtaure you provide. Check your key and signing method. /path_to_file/file.pdf15991F9000639EA836137

Another clue…

JavaScript console error:

Same problem here
Is really hard to work with software who has this kind of problems, i try solve it and spend so much time without solution

Reading this post i think is better change to another web file administration solution like NextCloud… I tray install pydio 8 but its not a mature solution and its the same with all Pydio Cells stuff, i see a lot of problems whos need your atention:

  • Sort the name of the workspace
  • Add the option to modify the cronjobs
  • Improve the index of the files
  • Repair the pdf preview and download (red error ribbon)
  • Pydio cells needs some much resources (more than 4 gb and so much processor)
  • Your forum support team dont help so much
    *You dont have good documentation, for example official documentation for configure with Nginx of HTTPD
  • The time loading the list of workspace its soooooooooo loooooooong, and a lot of time i have time out problems

Its so hard think go to a Enterprise solution with this problems

I hope soon you can resolve the problem of this red ribbon… You have a good idea with developing issues…

Exist some way to solve this problem?

I recomend you search for another solution with better bug track and support, thats your solution

I have the same problem and and its impossible know how many time will take for the developer team and support people resolve it

Dont work with the most popular borwsers like fire fox and google chrome???

@Tamtrum can you eventually send a private message with a temporary access to your server so that we can check what’s going on? Did you upgrade to 1.5.0 ?

Hi @Tantrum, thanks very much for providing access.

I’ve looked at your system on Friday and found a couple of issues.
The first is with the way your datasources are set up.
There are multiples mount points imbricated and that seems to be causing issues with the sync.
I’ll PM you with details of what I mean and examples on how I think you could fix it.

The second issue is a problem in the code that seems to be happening on centos. I’m not sure it’s what’s causing the issues you’ve seen but we’d like to make sure of it. If you could leave your system open for us for a few days that’d be really helpful.
