I’m trying to figure out how to transfer files to/from Cells. I currently have v1.6.1 installed. I installed cec on my personal machine and I’m trying to configure oauth, however, the link it tries to open is /myserver/oidc/oauth2/auth… and this address, as I understand it, is only valid for Cells v2. Can the cells-client still be used with v1 at all?
Yes, you must run ./cec configure
it will ask you information and more importantly the Secret (which you can find in the ./config/pydio/cells/pydio.json` of your server.
Hi charles, I’m avoiding upgrading until at least v2.0.1 as there are always pains involved in major X.0 releases
The server is a production server so I can’t afford to just upgrade outside of a scheduled service window with backups ready to go if it fails.